Varsha Gopal
Shodor Apprentice | Rising Senior, GHHS | Tennis, Music, Engineering

My Portfolio

Hi, welcome to my portfolio. This year, as an apprentice, I have created many cool projects with different languages and tools.

Fall Projects

Ethics Essay

This is an essay I wrote discussing ethical values in a company.

Sick Population Model

This is a Vensim model we did in class that represents a sick and cured population. Check it out!

Healthy & Sick World

This is an AgentCubes interactive model

Group Project 1

This is the website for our Population Change Model

Spring Projects

Group Project 2

This is a model that represents the spread of a Forest fire

Code Commenting Project

This was a Code Commenting Project on JavaScript code

Parallel Computing Notebook

This is my Parallel Computing Notebook

Summer Projects

Responsive Webpage

This was a project where we coded a webpage to be responsive to different layouts

Systems Manager HLD

This is my HLD Document for the Software project manager assignment.

Partner HLD Document

This is my partners HLD Document which I used for my Agent Cubes and Systems Model.

Art Gallery

This is my AgentCubes model of an Art Gallery walk. It represents the opening of a new museum.

Excel Art Gallery Model

This is my Art Gallery model as a Systems model in Excel.

Inkscape and Gimp

These are my image edits using Inkscape and Gimp. Check them out!

Final Website HLD

This is the HLD Document for my Final Website Design plan.

PHP Projects

These are the projects I completed using PHP.