Population of China With and Without the One Child Policy

Agent Models

Required Software

To open these agent models, you will need to click the links that are below under each of the stages.

Each model links to a page with three options: Play, Design, and Edit. Click on the design option. This will bring you to the model.

To run the model, click the green arrow that is next to the save option. To stop the model, click the red square that is next to the green arrow.

Model 1: Population of China

In this model, men and women move randomly in the world.

Men are represented by blue squares. Women are represented by pink squares. The world is represented by green squares.

At this scales, each agent represents about 6 million people.

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Model 2: Population of China With Competition

Men and women move randomly in the world.

Men are represented by blue squares. Women are represented by pink squares. The world is represented by green squares. ...

At this scale, each agent represents about 6 million people.

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Model 3: Population of China with Competition and the One Child Policy

Men and women move randomly in the world.

Men are represented by blue squares. Women are represented by pink squares. The world is represented by green squares. The orange squares represent the people who have already had a child and cannot reproduce again.

At this scale, each agent represents about 6 million people.

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