XML Blog

Welcome to my Blog

This is an example blog that uses PHP to render an XML file

Feb 29.5th - Blog 1

This is my first blog using an XML file

Feb 30th - Blog 2

My second blog entry is better than the first

Feb 30.5th - Blog 3

This can go on for ever

Feb 31st - Blog 4

Still Going

Feb 31.5st - Blog 5

You think I would have stopped by now

April 30.5th - Blog 6

Ha. Just Kidding

April 31st - Blog 7

Ok I'll stop soon

April 31.5st - Blog 8

But Not Yet

June 30.5th - Blog 9

I must be bored or something

June 31st - Blog 10

10th entry. Wooo!

June 31.5st - Blog 11

I am surprised I have been this diligent with by blog entries

September 30.5th - Blog 12

I can't believe you have just read 12 useless blog entries

September 31st - Blog 13

You must be bored too

September 31.5st - Blog 14

I was going to stop awhile back but this is kind of fun

November 30.5th - Blog 15

Ok fine I will spare both you and me our precious time and stop

November 31st - Blog 16




November 31.5st - Blog 100
