My Projects
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Fall Projects
Professional Ethics Assignment (Word)- This was an assignment given by Ron that assessed us on our ability to fix a real world problem.
Coin Flip (Excel)- This is a model that randomizes, whether the coin flips as heads or tails
Simple Population (Excel)- This is a simple implementation of a model of population growth where the change in the population per unit time is proportional to the population itself
Example of Iterations (Excel)- An excel model that shows how heat is spreading with the use of loops and timesteps.
Programming Concepts (Excel) - A model that uses the Y=mx+b form with a slider bar change the y-intercept in order to change values the function outputs.
Group Project 1
Disease Model (AgentCubes)- Shows an epidemic model of people getting sick due to contagions in the population
Thing 1 (AgentCubes)- Shows a fly moving which escapes through the window if it gets too close.
Change Vs Behavior (Vensim)- Shows a graph representing change per unit time, with the factors of Behavior and Constant, which change the graph as we change the value of these factors.
Rabbits Model (Vensim)- Shows the life cycle of a rabbit
Healthy vs Sick (Vensim)- A model that shows the Healthy and Sick Relatioship in a population
Healthy vs Sick Extension (Vensim)- Same as the Healthy vs Sick Model, but edited to look nicer with added recovery and immunity factors
Spring Projects
Parallel Computing Project
Forest Fire Model- A model that shows how a fire can spread throughout the entire forest.
Summer Projects
Block 1 Modeling Project- A project that consists of multiple models that show the relationship between people, chlorine, and bacteria.
Graphics Website- This website contains all the graphics I worked on using Gimp and Inkscape.
Rocket Design Website- This website was made using a tutorial to code the HTML/CSS.