Om Nerurkar

What Skills I Have Learned

During my time at Shodor, I have learned how to create working models using Microsoft Excel, Agent Cubes, Vensim, and Java Script, as well as develop websites using HTML and CSS. Soon, I will be learning how to apply and use parallel computing concepts to my advantage.

Current And Past Projects

Fall Projects

Name: Fall Project

Description: Working together with my partner Joseph, my team created a two working models illustrating fish populations and the causes of their declines, along with our first HTML website. The two models were created using Agent Cubes and Vensim, both very effective in tracking and showing variables in live time.

Fall Project

Name: Office Ethics Project

Description: This project replicates a scenario in which you are the manager of a team that is fulfilling part of a team project. It taught me that there are multiple ways in which I can handle team issues and perform project management.

Office Ethics Project

Name: Excel Models

Description: These models were created using Microsoft Excel, and each represents a different scenario that models a real life situation. For example, the "Coin Flip" model replicates a 50-50 percent chance that you will get either heads or tails, while the "Dominant/Recessive" models illustrate the probability that a child will inherit a particular trait from its parents.

Coin Flip Dominant/Recessive Simple Population Diffusion Dice+Spinner

Vensim Models

Description: The models here have been created using a modeling-specific tool called VenSIMPLE, or "Vensim" for short. Vensim allows you to track the inputs and outputs of your model, as well as observing each variable in live time with a mode called "Synth-the-Sim."

Getting Sick Rabbits and Bunnies Predator Prey

Name: Disease AgentCubes Model

Description: This model was created by a modeling tool called AgentCubes, which allows you edit and track each type of character. In this case, the AgentCubes models the spread of a disease from one or more patients to the rest of the population.

AgentCubes Model

Name: HTML Research Guide

Description: The HTML research guide teaches us the basic required syntax to understand and apply HTML text so that we can create a website.

HTML Research Guide

Spring Projects

Name: CSS Research Guide

Description: The CSS research guide teaches us the basic required syntax to understand and apply CSS text so that we can design a website in a creative and reasonable way.

CSS Research Guide

Name: Spring Project

Description: Working together with my new partner Rohan, my team created another set of two working models. This time, we illustrated forest fires and the effects of tree saturation and inherent protection on them. We also created a second website to contain these two models. The two models were created using Agent Cubes (again) and Java Script.

Spring Project

Name: Project Euler 1

Description: This project was our first introduction to programming concepts. The purpose of it is to help us solve the first problem in the "Euler Series." This problem asks us to find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

Project Euler 1

Name: Bouncing Particles

Description: This was our first JavaScript model that illustrates a particle bouncing off of a wall.

Bouncing Particles

Name: Template Without CSS

Description: This was our first attempt at making a template website.

My Template

Name: Template With CSS

Description: This was our first attempt at making a template website, and we added CSS to it in order to make the website to our specifications.

My Template

Name: Parallel Computing Workbook

This project was our formal introduction into the world of parallel computing. We learned different names of supercomputers, ways to measure their power, and how to think "in parallel."

Parallel Computing Workbook

Summer Projects

Summer Block 2

Name: JS Testing

Description: This project helped us learn JavaScript syntax and validate it using TextWrangler.

JS Testing

Name: PHP Testing

Description: This project helped us learn PHP syntax and validate it using TextWrangler.

PHP Testing

Name: Forms

Description: This PHP syntax was given to us in order for us to better understand PHP syntax and how to apply it for web-based applications.


Name: Original Coin Flip Model

Description: The class worked together to develop an original coin flip model using PHP.

Original Coin Flip Model

Name: Changed Coin Flip Model

Description: I worked on editing the coin flip model to add a "number of flips" variable.

New Coin Flip Model

Name: Render Demo

Description: The class worked to render HTML in this demo.

Render Demo

Name: Kristas Projects

Description: These projects helped us increase our understanding of PHP by applying it for practical uses.

Name: Random Hex Code Generator

Description: This projects generates a random hex code value that is then used to change the background color every time it is reloaded.

Random Hex Code Generator

Name: Dice Statistics

Description: This projects allows you, the user, to choose how many rolls and how many dice there are to be rolled. It then displays a chart of the values of the sums.

Dice Statistics

Name: Dane Joe

Description: This project allows the user to switch the first letter of the first name with the first letter of the last name. For example, Jane Doe becomes Dane Joe.

Dane Joe

Name: Background Color Selector

Description: This project allows the user change the background color, and then cookies are used to save the color when you reload the page.

Background Color Selector

Name: XML Blog

Description: This project is an example blog that embeds code from an external XML file using PHP.

XML Blog

Name: Dynamic Web Page

Description: This project is an example of a website that was used by my mentor Ernie to introduce us to dynamic code.

Dynamic Web Page

Name: Resume

Description: The class created individual, professional resumes that reflect some of our previous accomplishments.


Name: Dice Statistics Database

Description: Using a combination of mySQL, PHP, and HTML, I created a database displaying users inputs.

Dice Statistics DB

Summer Block 3

Name: DB Project

Description: This project uses PHP to connect to mySQL, which in turn connects to a database. It is means to store and display user input data, as well as providing averages and illustrating popular preferences.

DB Project

Name: New Website

Description: In this project, I was given free reign as to how to create my new website using HTML and CSS.

New Website