Mar. 5th, 2016

Today we began working on our second group project. We each were assigned partners to work with. The project is a model of a forest fire. The model will be programmed in Javascript. I was partnered with Hamza, and we spent the day working on our High Level Design (HLD) document. I learned a lot about following instructions, and the importance of planning.

Feb. 20, 2016

Today we learned about objects. In Javascript, objects are important for creating structures to store information about various different things. An object to me is comparable to a structure in the C programming language. I like that in higher level languages like Javascript, objects are very easy to manage. Later on, we learned about the importance of commenting your code, so that new programmers and even experienced programmers can understand what each line of code is meant to do. We were assigned a project to comment and document a Javascript file that Aaron provided us. Overall, I think I learned a lot about the importance of objects and commenting.

Feb. 13, 2016

Today we learned about Javascript programming some more. We learned about loops and arrays. We used loops to demonstrate factorial calculations. For example, if you wanted to calculate the factorial of 20 using a loop, you could create a variable to contain the answer, and loop all the way up to 20, multiplying the answer variable by the current iteration count every time. This would produce an equation like 1 * 2 * 3... * 18 * 19 * 20. Loops and arrays are very useful in programming, and can be used together to solve complex problems that involve repetition. Next week we should be learning about objects, and I am looking forward to it.

Feb. 6, 2016

Today was an introduction to Javascript. Javascript is a programming language used to add functionality to websites. It has a very fast runtime (Chrome V8), and it is also one of the most widely used programming languages. We started off today by learning about variables, data types, and functions. Later on, we will be learning how to create models with Javascript. Javascript can be used to create more advanced models than the other tools we have learned so far, because you can program the models from scratch, which allows for a lot more customizability.

Dec. 19, 2015

Today was the last day to work on our group project. Things were very upbeat and distraught today, because some of us had a good load of work to do. My group spent the day finishing off our models, and revising our HLD document. I felt like today was a wake up call for me and my group. We learned a lot about managing and planning our work out, and avoiding procrastination and distractions. It was a great learning experience for me and my partners, and I look forward to applying my newfound knowledge to future projects.