May 25th, 2016

Today I came into Shodor to makeup some work from the day that I missed. Aaron showed me some of the things I missed and helped me understand Parallel Computing concepts. I answered a lot of questions in my Parallel Computing notebook. I also made a plan to finish my work before May 31st. It was a very productive day for me today.

Apr. 16th, 2016

Today was the last day in the Spring block at Shodor. I missed the last weekend because I had something going on. I got to Shodor a little early so I could ask Aaron what I needed to do since I missed the last weekend. We worked on Parallel Computing for the rest of the day, and we learned about breaking up a program accross many different nodes. We took notes and answered questions in our Parallel Computing notebook. I learned that parallel procedures are more efficient in some ways than series procedures, but they can also be less efficient. An upside is that programs will run a lot faster, but a downside is you need more computing power, and you must break up your program into smaller pieces of code that can run simultaneously.

Apr. 2nd, 2016

Today was our last day to finish up the group project. I applied for extra time, just in case we needed it. We were able to concentrate really hard today and finish up our group project before lunch. After lunch, we presented our project. Some of the critique we received, along with others, was to make sure our burn radius is realistic. Our burn radius was a bit too large and it made our model seem unrealistic. Later, I fixed the burn radius variable accordingly.

Mar. 19th, 2016

Today was the third day to work on our model. We worked on our Javascript and I also made the website for our project. We also had to go back and change some things in our HLD document. Me and Hamza got stuck when working on our code, and we didn't know what to do next. We waited for Aaron to help us, and that got us back on track. I think I have done a good job applying what I learned about time management during the first group project. I have really planned things out well with Hamza for this project.

Mar. 12th, 2016

Today was the second day to work on our group project. Me and Hamza worked on getting our HLD approved and moving on to the next step. Aaron gave us some recommendations for our HLD and we modified it accordingly. We began working on our Javascript near the end of the day, and we successfully created our Tree objects, and a loop to update the canvas.