Forest Fire

JavaScript Model

Link to Model

How to Run

To run the model, add the respective agents to the grid and press the play button.

How to Change Parameters

To display a graph that counts the quantity of each agent, add a counter to the grid. To stop the model, press the stop button. To change the stimulation properties, insert the percent chance of your choosing and click “set”.


In this screenshot, it shows the model before it is run, with the simulation properties set at values of 10, 20, and 10 respectively, for SPREAD_PCT_CHANCE, HEAL_PCT_CHANCE, and BURNT_PCT_CHANCE. HEAL_PCT_CHANCE, and BURNT_PCT_CHANCE.

In this screenshot, it displays the model while running. A counter has been placed in the lower left corner of the world. As displayed in the image, there are many burnt trees and few healthy trees remaining. The simulation properties are still set at values of 10, 20, and 10, respectively, for SPREAD_PCT_CHANCE, HEAL_PCT_CHANCE, and BURNT_PCT_CHANCE. The firefighters, represented by the yellow squares, are moving around the world and healing/saving the burning trees. The success rate of the firefighters is directly correlated with the HEAL_PCT_CHANCE. The model has been running for 62 steps, so there is not going to be many healthy trees left. The graph illustrates the correlation between the number of healthy trees, burning trees, and burnt trees. As the total number of burning trees and burnt trees go up, the number of healthy trees decreases.