Forest Fire

AgentCubes Model

Link to Model

How to Open

To open and use the model you only need to click on the line above: "Link to Model". The line above links to a page with three options: Play, Design, and Edit. Click one of those options, to open the model.

How to Run

Once the model is opened, to run the model, click the run simulation button, located at the top-left of the screen. The run simulation button has an arrow on top. After you click play, the model will automatically start and run until it finishes. You can click the back arrow at the top of the screen to get back to the Play, Design, Edit page. In addition, you can even change how fast or slow the model runs. To do this, just slide the slider bar, located on the top-right of the screen. You can also click the stop, and step simulation buttons to control and run the model. Another option is to reload the world, which makes the world load back to its normal form.

How to Change Parameters

To change any of the parameters or simulation properties, click the gear button at the top-left part of the screen. Then, in the menu that appears, click show simulation properties. In the simulation dialog box, you can change any values and you can see what are the properties, in which affect the model.


In this screen shot, it shows the model before it has ran. In this screen shot, you can observe that there are many healthy trees surrounding tree burning trees. In addition, in this screen shot, there is one fireman.

This screen shot, shows how the model looks like while it is running. In this screen shot, you can observe that the burning trees multiplied. Compared to the first screen shot, this screen shot has more burning trees. It has a combination of both burning and burnt trees. Also, in this screen shot, firemen are coming out of the firehouse, and they are on their way to stop the fire. in this screen shot, there is one fireman.

This screen shot, shows how the model looks like at the end. After it ran. In this screen shot, you can observe that many of the burning trees turned into burnt trees. Also, some burning trees turned back to healthy trees, due to the firemen. In addition, in this screen shot, all the firemen have left the scene. This is because since there are no more burning trees, all the firemen leave, or disappear from the world. This is due to the simulation property, BURNING.