A Diary of My Days at Shodor
*During Summer*
July 31, 2015
Today was Dr. Panoff birthday! We had a pizza party and celebration. In the afternoon, people presented their projects. Braxton's seemed like the best, at least to me. later today we're going to Frankie's! This was also the last day in Block 3.
July 30, 2015
We built circuits! we were supposed to make a timed LED. It was fun but when I did the the same project a week ago I found it more fun. To day I started working on my new website design its supposed to look like a game of thrones theme.
July 29, 2015
Today we learned about Ajax it wasn't very helpful but i guess it was good because it was a new experience. Today we also did a Daredevil activity for engineering. I learned how to make ramps and calculate impact points.
July 28, 2015
Today in class we were given the task to create towers that could hold the maximum number of marbles. We were given straws and pipe cleaners. I am happy we came third place because of the difficulties we had. The second half of the day we learned jQuery and commands that were pretty cool and be used for animation.
July 27, 2015
Today in class we were introduced to civil engineering. We were given legos and were asked to see whether certain patterns will fall or stand. The second half of the day was advanced programming by the Interns. We learned more commands in Java Script using factorials. Look forward to learning more of the different engineering concepts that are in store for us.
July 26, 2015
I did it! today I finished my art walk project and I followed the directions that were on the HLD assigned to me. I still have a few more days to work on my project so im going to see what else I can do to make my art walk better.
July 25, 2015
To day I made a breakthrough with my AgentSheets model. I have created 2 depictions for my guest allowing them to be happy and sad. I want to change the actual images of the depictions and agents and if all goes well I plan to finish the project tomorrow.
July 24, 2015
Today in class I was finally able to complete the major part of the Shopping store PHP project. It took a while to complete, but I was able to get a lot of work done and only have a few minor adjustments to finish it. This project has taught me a lot about PHP. I look forward to learning more programming concepts and about engineering next week.
July 23, 2015
Today in class we were finally able to finish our Java Script project that Aaron gave us. Our fire model accurately represented the AgentSheets program that was given to us. After finishing the program and getting it checked off, we continued to work on our PHP project. Although it has taken a while to complete, I look forward to the day I finish.
July 22, 2015
Today in class we made some major progress on our Java Script program. We were able to succesfully get our fire to diffuse through our simulated forest. We were also taught by the interns about classes. I look forward to continue working and completing our Java Script project as well as our PHP project.
July 21, 2015
Today in class we continued to work on our Java Script program assigned by Aaron. Our group was able to succesfully plan out the code that will program the diffusion of fire across a forest simulation. We were also given time to continue working on our Shopping store. I look forward to next week where we learn stuff about engineering.
July 20, 2015
Today in class Aaron put us into groups of three to create a help file for a specific AgentSheets model. We were assigned a fire diffusion model. Our group was able to finish the description of the model and will start on the code in Java Script tomorrow. We were then given a lecture of basic programming concepts for refreshing our memory.
July 19, 2015
I did it! today I finished my art walk project and I followed the directions that were on the HLD assigned to me. I still have a few more days to work on my project so im going to see what else I can do to make my art walk better.
July 18, 2015
I did it! today I finished my art walk project and I followed the directions that were on the HLD assigned to me. I still have a few more days to work on my project so im going to see what else I can do to make my art walk better.
July 17, 2015
Today in class we continued to work on our projects for the whole day. I am proud that I was finally able to work and complete to some extent the login and shopping cart page. I look forward to what the Shodor staff will teach us next week and finally completing my General store PHP project. I find PHP very helpful in language codding.
July 16, 2015
Today in class I continued to work on our PHP and mySQL project. I was able to add certain animations that I liked. I was able to add my shopping cart and log in pages to the project and begin working on those. I hope to able to finish my PHP project soon and have people use it and buy some of my products.
July 15, 2015
Today in class we were able to continue to finish working on our shopping websites. I was happy as I was able to see my tables show up on the website and look forward to being able to finish the project in the next few days. Mobeen taught us how to use SVN and how to use it as a resource.
July 14, 2015
Today in class we continued to work on our shopping store projects. I was able to finish making all of my tables and look forward to being able to finish by Friday. It is interesting on how PHP and mySQL work together to create this website.
July 13, 2015
Today in class Joel gave us the task of creating a shopping store project through our knowledge of PHP and mySQL. I look forward to working with my fellow classmates for the next few days and finishing it by Friday. This project allowed us to really understand the topics.
June 22, 2015
Today was the start of the second week of the first block during the summer. When we first came in we made sure that our agentsheets model were on the website. We then went to the word document and started on the list of things phil had us do.
June 19, 2015
I did it! today I finished my art walk project and I followed the directions that were on the HLD assigned to me. I still have a few more days to work on my project so im going to see what else I can do to make my art walk better.
June 18, 2015
To day I made a breakthrough with my AgentSheets model. I have created 2 depictions for my guest allowing them to be happy and sad. I want to change the actual images of the depictions and agents and if all goes well I plan to finish the project tomorrow.
June 17, 2015
Today we start a new project! We are starting to work on our assigned hld sheet (mine was an art walk Agent sheet model). So far I haven't come across anything too difficult but that is not to say that to day has went without any challenges.
June 16, 2015
Today was the second day of the first summer block at shodor. We have a agentsheets project to go with the HLDs. We all got another persons HLD and we had to make an agentsheets simulation for it. The one I got was for the Art Walk.
June 15, 2015
Today was the first day of the first summer block at shodor. For the first part of the day we started working on making HDLs that is like a entry document for our agentsheets project. We choose from a list of scenarios than we wrote a word document that told whoever got the document the things that needed to be done in the agent sheets model.
During School
Today we learned more about parallel computing, and we continued creating our code for a woking pi calculator. There really wasn't an thing that i did that i am most proud of, except maybe ceding a very inacurate calculation of pi thru parallel computing. I am excited to learn more about how parallel computing works and learning more commands for c and c++ coding. Mobeen was the most helpful person among Shodors staff, he helped me by explaining to me what privit did and how its useful in parallel computing. Today I helped Aden by explaining to his the usefulness and possibly all around superiority of brackets.
Aprl. 18th 2015
Today we learned more about parallel computing, we learned how to concatenate in a new programing language we worked in called c. c is deferent from c++ but they are both used in parallel computing. I am very proud in the fact that I was able to fallow along with what aaron was saying even though I had not taken calculus. I'm hoping to learn more about how parallel computing is useful in the real world. I fell that if i were to know what parallel computing is used for I could better appreciate it. Vincent helped me the most today when I forgot to use back slash instead for forward slash in \n. I ask helped vincent today by reminding him to use forward slash instead of backward slash in \n. >
April. 11th 2015
This week i learned what parallel computing is and how its ted in society. We learned what com ads are used to boot up a parallel system and how to see what other computers are on a parallel system. When we booted up virtual box I was the first person to login so my parallel computer id was 000. I am hoping to learn more about command lines because i keep forgetting some of them. Mobeen helped me the most when i did not understand how parallel computing would be used in the real world. To day I helped my sister and her friend when they did not know how to open the second set of instructions. >
March. 14th 2015
To day i learned how thing need to be cited in an array, i alos learned that you somethign with a dot is knowen as an function. the thing that i did to day that i am the most proud of is being able to make t get my fish to have a volume. i am hoping to learn more about how to use sound in defrent things and hw to test changes in the console. anoop helped the most because when i could not get my fish to die he was the one who tld me that the fish volume was not going away.I helped mark today when he did not know how to add numbers to his canvas i showed him where he needed to write a new line of code.
Today i learn how to do agent sheet based moduling in java script and that ctrl c,x and z are your friends. I am really looking forward to learn how to be more effecent in brackets. The thing that i did that brought the the most felling of accomplishment was helping poor little Herjot when he did not know how to undo all the damage he caused to his code. I am hoping to learn more about planing code before you actually start wrighting it. i also interested in learning more computer keyboard short cuts. Herjot helped me when i could not figure out how to get my seals to die form old age. I helped Braxton and Herjot when they could not figure out how to get there seals to die form hunger. >
To day we learned about arrays, [ ] ,and algorithms. We learned that and why programers usual start from the 0th when they start counting. The thing that i almost proud of doing today was creating arrays. i was able to make an array that contained a number, boian and a string. The thing that i learned about that i hope to learn more of would be loops and arrays and how to use them together. Phil helped me today when my computer would not connect to the shodor network. he logged me onto the student account and i was able to fallow along with the class. Today i helped anup and Rohin when they did not know how the syntax of some of the code should go. Rohin was expressly grateful. >
Today we learned how to write in JavaScript. We had to create a magic 8 ball that could give a random answer.I am very proud of the magic 8 ball that I created because i looked up all 27 of the possible magic 8 ball responses and added them to mine. When creating the magic 8 ball we had to use functions like. Math Random and .floor. I am hoping to learn more about using these functions for random generation. Someone I don't remember whether it was a staff member or one of my peers reminded me that I could copy and paste the questions into the program instead of typing them out, i think that it might of been Mobeen. I don't think that i helped anyone that day or If i did i don't remember helping some one.
Today at shodor we learned how to use arithmetic comparison, logical, assignment operations, and operators. The thing that i did today that i am most proud of was keeping up with the class. i feel like we learned a lot of new stuff and i was really proud of myself for being able to learn the new codes. I am really looking forward to learning about css so that i can make my webpage look cooler than Rohini's. Rohin helped me figure out what was wrong with my strings of code occasionally Today i helped Rohin when he got extremely lost in the class and had no idea what we were doing.
Oct. 16th 2010
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vel justo vitae orci faucibus blandit. Quisque scelerisque tempor laoreet. Fusce non nisi vel ligula ultrices mollis eu a purus. Nam malesuada orci ac leo ultricies dapibus. Morbi dignissim, urna at ultrices convallis, nunc urna consectetur est, a rutrum tellus nisi in mi. Duis neque erat, ultrices sed mattis sit amet, pretium rutrum urna. >
Today at shodor we learned how to use arithmetic comparison, logical, assignment operations, and operators. The thing that i did today that i am most proud of was keeping up with the class. i feel like we learned a lot of new stuff and i was really proud of myself for being able to learn the new codes. i am really looking forward to learning about css so that i can make my webpage look cooler than Rohini's. Rohin helped me figure out what was wrong with my strings of code occasionally Today i helped Rohin when he got extremely lost in the class and had no idea what we were doing. >
This week i found out that you can give different depictions scents that act sort of like a tag and allow other depictions to follow it or stay away from it based on the scent that it has. i really excited to see all the thing i can do with theses scents. the thing that i did to day that i was most proud of was designing me and my sisters fish and seals instead of just a dot or circles they looked like cartoon fish and seals. i was very proud that mine look better than the other apprentices even tho a few of these ideas were better the fact that my depictions were better looking was a small victory. when i have been creating my blogs i have been using vim and its a pain in the but because i can't use the mouse and have to learn all of these commands so if i knew another way to update my website i think it wouldn't be much work just to add a single blog entry. Once again Phil was the person who helped me the most today. i was having trouble getting my equations to connect to each other in vensim so he helped me figure out what was wrong with the equation i was using and i learned that i could just click them instead of typing the whole thing. My sister was having trouble with the same thing that pphill helped me with so i was able to show her how to fix her equations and i even showed her the shortcuts to creating them.
This week at shodor i learned how to use agentsheets and make an operational and functioning model. AgentSheets is a Cyberlearning tool to teach students programming and related information technology skills through game design of which i am very excited to learn more about. the thing that i did that brought me the most pride was being able to create a model about how a population can be influenced by infected people and vice versa. i hope to expand my knowledge on agentsheets and how different thing can influence the outcome of situations in programing. Today the person who came to my aid the most was Aaron. When i needed to make my fish move randomly aaron showed me how to do it and he came back again to help me when i did not know how too get my animals to die of old age, he was just really helpful. i'm still having problems with other apprentices names so i can't say exactly who i helped to day but it was someone sitting next to me. he had just came into class after lunch and had no idea what we were doing so i was able to show him how to open agentsheets and catch up. He must have already been familiar with the program because he basically knew what to do and how to use it he just needed help with transporting the information into agentsheets. >
To day at shodor i learned how to basic computer programming commands. I learned how to go to my home directory,how to create a directory, how to move a directory, how to go up and down the directory tree, how to delete a directory, how to put a directory in side of another directory, and how to create a file and do some of the things that i could do with a directory to the file. in class today we created branch to show how files and directories worked and all the things we had to do to access them. the thing that i did that i was most proud of was gaining the ability to navigate through directories and files like a boss i am really looking forward to being able to use ,my knowledge of directory teleporting to being able to move from place to place with en a computer without having to click where i want to go with the mouse. i'm really looking forward to being able to just type my way through computers. either iean of phil helped me figure out what the difference between directories and files were which was extremely helpful because without that knowledge i would still be lost trying to put directories in files. i helped narga when she did not understand that she had to leave her file inorder to make a new directory in her upside down tree >
Today we went over how to make a graph in excel. we were taught how to plot data into excel.i have always had problems making graphs for a school project on the computer in excel so i hope i will now be able to to make charts and graphs with less effort the thing that i did to day and that i am most proud of was being able to create a finished graph in excel. there hasn't been any thing that i would like to learn about that i haven't already heard about except maybe excel. today i was having trouble getting my graph to function so phil came over and changed the parameters in the settings so that i could see my graph better. i am still having trouble with other shodor apprentices names so i don't so the person who was sitting next to me who asked me how to access the tool bar on his computer because he was trying to change the numbers without having to type them in eventually i was able to figure it out and help him.
Today i learned how important it is to find out information on your own and how its not allways good to rely on other people or assume thing and just accept things for what they are. today the thing that i have done that i am most proud of was being able to walkaway with the knowledge that i can't believe everything that i see and the next time i see a rule or i will probably be a lot more sceptical. we didn't really learn about any thing new today but i am still hoping to learn more about the kinds of things that i will be doing at show dore in there apprenticeship program. i feel like i could learn some very important and useful skills here. today bob helped me the most among the shodor staff he opened my eyes to how thing you find on the internet can't always be true because they dont always add up to one another. i know that this probably doesn't count but in class today one of the shodor surfers didn't know how to correctly pronounce my name so i helped her. >
Today I met the people i am suppose to work with and i am very excited to be working with them.I haven't typed my username and password incorrectly yet and it usually take me more than 3 tries to get it right.i didn't need any help to day but usually i need help with typing the urls.i helped the person next to me when he could not find how to make the reflections. >