Hudson's Website

Summer Modeling Project

System Model

The story for this model is, there is a world with x amount of trees in a forest. These trees need a certain amount of water to survive, if they don't get enough water, they become stressed. If trees are stressed for too long they will die. Although this story sounds simple enough, it was hard to make it reflect the real world. For this model I completely ignored how the trees were getting their water. This is because I wanted it to be about all slow growing hardwood trees, not a specific group in a specific place. The forest modeled is 5,000 acres and at the start contains 140,500 trees. The model runs for 150 years, and with a time step of one week. To be healthy, these trees need 133 gallons of water. Feel free to mess with the model yourself; you will need Vensim PLE which is free for educational purposes.

havent uploaded the image yet
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