Here are my Vensim Models. Present has no tagged seals and rebalance has tagged seals incorporated into the program.
Rebalance - Present
- Work Ethics Assignment
- AgentSheets Model
- Bouncing Particles Model
- Magic 8 Ball Model
- Description of the Fish and Seal Project: The Sage Continues!
- Seal and Fish: The Saga Continues
- Parallel Program
- My HLD on Fashionista Phil
- My Final HLD on my website
- Art Walk Simulation
- PHP Color Changer
- PHP Calendar
- PHP Dice
- PHP Name Switcher
- PHP Store
- JavaScript Project
This is my work ethics assignment about behavior in the workplace and a description of what should happen in a problematic situation concerning a job.
Here is my partners AgentSheets Model.
Here is my Bouncing Particles model I made on my first week of the second semester.
Here is my model of a Magic 8 Ball that I made in the second week of the second semester. When you press run, one of the twenty possible responses an actual 8 ball would give will be displayed on the screen.
This is the project that was assigned this semester. My partner was Lyndon Bowen and we worked great together. This project is about tagged seals and fish, just like the last project. In this one,we used TextWrangler and not Agent Sheets or Vensim. Me and my partner tried to make the fish have something to eat in this program, like algae, but it was a very difficult task. We got the seals and fish to die of age and hunger. The detailed description is in this HLD. Enjoy the sequel!
Here is my parallel program on pi. It uses the areas of rectangles and a circle to find the value of pi. It uses threads to make it work in a parallel way. It used to not be parallel but I have changed it throughout the last day to make it parallel.
This is the HLD I created on my first day back for the summer block sessions (6-16-15). This HLD is based off the scenario called Fashionista Phil. In this scenario you had to create a program that monitored the trend lines of colors in a world of normal people and hipsters. This program is made to help Phil with his new non-hipster fashion!
These are the logos I have made while going through the InkScape tutorials. I made the NBC, Target, Nike, and Honda logo. The second to last logo is one I created myself. It is a picture of a man with a turban and a beard. The last InkScape image is a picture of a lion and below it my middle name, Singh. There is a lion because, in english, "Singh" means lion. After the logos are my Gimp creations. One is an old halloween card. It is a picture of the woods with fog and an eerie darkness. There is also a picture of the Taj Mahal with fireworks in the background and a picture of the good year blimp in a sky that I created. I changed the sizes of some of the blimps to make them look crazy! At the top is another picture I made in Gimp. It is a banner with my logo and my name, and it can be seen at the top of my webpage.
This is my HLD for my final website design. It includes me adding animations, multiple website designs, and neater text boxes. In the end, my website should look more neat and interactive.
This is my Art Walk project that I did over the first week in the summer. It has a full description of the simulation above the simulation window. This project was a little difficult and long, but I was able to produce a working program!
This is my background color changer I made using PHP. IF you refresh the page, the background color changes and the hex code is displayed in the center of the page. It is very simple and easy to use.
This is my calendar I made using PHP.
This is my dice statistics model I made using php. You can change the amount of dice and the amount of rolls with an input box. The change will take place when you press the "Change" button. The number that each dice rolled will be displayed as well as the total for each row.
This is my name switcher program I made using php. When you enter your name, the program will switch the first letter of first name with the first letter of the last name.
This is my turban store I made using php and mysql. The user can create an account and use that account to sign in and order items. When the user presses the "submit order" button, the cost of the order will be added to user's balance. The user can also log out of their account. All my tables were made using mysql in Terminal.
This is my groups JavaScript project. Our model simulates balls bouncing off each other in a canvas. This model was made by Braxton, Aidan, and me. If you dont know how to use the model you can click the help button.