Oct. 8th 2016
I learned more about the program and the gist of it. I learned about what SHODOR basically is and what we plan on doing for the rest of the year.
Oct. 15th 2016
I learned more about the program and the basic rules at SHODOR. I also learned where the name SHODOR comes from. I heard about learning to code and doing computer programing and modeling, and I am excited to learn more about that.
Oct. 22nd 2016
Today we learned more about excel and the different commands in coding.
Nov. 5th 2016
Today I learned more about how to work on excel and make predictions and doing math problems, and I learned how to make graphs color coded by degrees.
Nov. 12th 2016
I learned more about equations and commands on excel and I learned how to create a graph on vinsim.
Nov. 19th 2016
Today I learned more about using equations to calculate the change in something, and I learned how to use agent cubes online and made a graph that showed people getting sick and healthy people.
Dec. 3rd 2016
I missed Shodor today because I was sick. I heard that we started working on our agent cubes online project, and I got together with two other team members, Leanne and Jackson (who were also absent on December 3rd) and we got back on pace with everyone else. We also got most of our work done compared to everyone else.
Dec. 10th 2016
Today I did not really learn anything new, but I was able to get better at creating things on agent cubes and I was able to make a predator/prey display with my team mates for the project. I helped my teammates out whenever we had an issue with our computer, or with making our display. When our screen froze, I told my teammate Leanne to kill the page, and just reload it so it would be easier to access the page again, rather than restarting on a new page and getting back to where we were.
Dec. 17th 2016
Today my teammates and I got to finish up our project, and we fixed any errors that we had on vensim or agentcubes.
Jan. 16th 2017
Today, Shodor held a day of service, remembering a tradition to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day by volunteering and helping out around Shodor. I came in and helped clean boards, strip wires, and I took out the recycling with Levi. Another apprentice, Andy, needed help with stripping wires and so I assisted him and Jennifer.
Jan. 24th 2017
Today, Jackson, Leanne, and I finally presented our project to the Shodor staff who were present. Unfortunately, I had come down with a sore throat, so I could not speak, but I helped navigate the presentation on the computer. We got relatively good feedback, and overall I think we did a good job!
Feb. 4th 2017
I learned about coding and JavaScript, and I worked on a predator-prey project in Atom. I am very excited to learn more about coding and become better at programming.
Feb. 11th 2017
I learned more about Atom. I learned how to comment out things we do not want in our code, rather than deleting it completely. Aaron helped me when my Disease Model page was not working. He showed me how to find the error in the 'inspect element' and we found the error in Atom. Skylar also helped me when I did not hear an instruction or if I made a mistake, he helped me get back on track.
Feb. 18th 2017
Today Aaron taught us more about commands on Atom and error consoles on a websites inspect element. I also improved on my website and added all of my missing blogs and projects. I spoke to Ron about my stipend and made sure I had everything I needed on my website. I am excited to learn more about coding and exploring Atom even more.
Today, Aaron told us about a new project that we started working on. Me and my teammate, Subhag, started working on a forest fire project from an old predator-prey model. We will continue to work on this by displaying what happens when there is a fire in the middle of a forest, and how the fire spreads out.
I did not attend Shodor today because I took the SAT. I was told by my partner that he had completed most of our project.
Today I learned more about improving on my website. I was able to add things that i needed onto my website and include it into my portfolio, so that way my stipend form can be filled.
I did not attend Shodor today because I was in the musical at my school. Today at shodor, we started learning about parallel computing and we started working on this google doc about parallel computing.
Today I learned about super computing and how important they are in computational sciences. We did an activity called "Shopping for Your Own Supercomputer" and the price limit was $3000. I was able to keep it under, and "spent" only $2,119.68.
Today I learned about VirtualBox and BCCD, and making my own virtual computer. I was able to make my own virtual computer by following Aaron's steps on VirtualBox and changing how many number of cores or processors I needed for my virtual computer.
Today was my last day attending Shodor, and I finished my parallel computing notebook, and made sure I had everything checked off on my stipend form. I have enjoyed Shodor tremendously, and I am glad with the knowledge I gained from being here. I learned more about computers, and I learned more about coding. My favorite thing I have done this program was either doing my Predator Prey Model, or when I learned how to use atom. Unfortunately, I can not attend any of the summer blocks, but I am happy with the time I have spent here.