These are my my projects.
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Well, this is one of my first AgentSheet projects. With the first part of it, I had to redo it all over again because there was this problem about saveing files with AgentSheets. I hope that you like it! I learned from it that even though sometimes that work is hard, that I have to stick with it. This also helped me to learn how to de-bug my data better, as this was full of errors.
What I have here is my first NetLogo project. I had so much fun doing it as well, I hope the you enjoy it as much as I do! I learned many things from this project. I learned how to think out side the box as how to fix any errors, such as how to put a limit as to how many turtles could be in the model at any given point.
This is what I wanted my origanal web to look like, but I found it too hard to do. But I like what my website looks like now. take a look at my prototype for my website!
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