System Model
This model is a study of money in circulation. The model shows the money in circulation being affected by money destroyed and created by the people and/or treasury. The amount of money created depends on how much money is destroyed. This system model also shows the money in circulation being changed by the average salary and the money saved or spent. It is called the disposable average consumer salary. What comes out of savings is called the disposable money from salary. The total amount of saved and disposable money from salary is the total amount of money spent. Which also affects the money in circulation.

Agent Model
This model is an approximate replica of the system model. It is a 16x16 model. The model shows the percentage of United States money that has been gone to money in circulation, savings, and disposable average consumer salary. The counter counts the amount of money in circulation in the United States. The differences from the system model is that this shows a visual representation of measuring the money in circulation with these factors, and it is more generalized. While the system model shows specific factors, the agent model counts with only few but main factors.