First Year Module 1

Scavenger Hunt We searched hard to find answers for questions on the web
Unix Challenge We were taught the fundamentals of the Unix programming language
Web Search We searched the web for more hard to find answers to see the importance of trustworthy references
CSS Challenge Here we given a page that used to have CSS on it, and the picture of it with the CSS, then only using CSS we made ours look like the picture
OS Challenge We were asked questions about the computers that we were using
Kings Coins We were given a page of mathematical questions
Personal Website Each apprentice designed and coded their own website on Shodor

First Year Module 2

Excel Challenge We used SIR models and Microsoft Excel to model a virus
Agent Sheets We modeled a forest fire, and how fast it would burn in different conditions
Vensim We calculated and graphed the terminal velocity of different objects using Vensim
NetLogo We modeled a number of turtles, and their reproduction/death rate

First Year Module 3

Cops and Robbers We modeled a corrupt city, showing who will gain the most money when there are different numbers of businessmen, cops and robbers
Subversion We were taught the basics of svn, which is used a lot in-group projects
Graphics Logo We used Gimp and Inscape to design and create our own logo

Summer 2007

Graphics We tested computational models that are used my professors to teach students

Second Year Module 1

Software Development Process We were taught the process of software development, and practiced working with a client
High Level Design We discussed HLD and practiced its use in a simple blogging website

Second Year Module 2

Intro to Databases We were taught the basics in data basing and SQL

Second Year Module 3

Message Board Each apprentice made a message board for their personal website that stores its data in a database

Summer 2008

Shodor Workshop Registration System Brian Niederland and I worked with our client Valerie Gartland to make a workshop registration system for Shodor that is easy to use by both admins and users