Block 1 Projects
For the summer, all projects were completed on my own with help from other apprentices and inters. The first project was similar to the other projects we did during the school year. We made our own models using Vensim and AgentCubes.
Project WebsiteAnother skill we worked on was coding our websites to by mobile friendly. Meaning the website will adapt for the viewers on different devices. You can test this website by opening it on your phone or tablet.We also learned how to make images with Inkscape and edit pictures with GIMP. These are some of the pictures I made. Image Portfolio
Block 2 Projects
The random hex code generator will be the color of the hex-code it gives which allows the user to visually see what the code does. The calendar produces any calendar for the months in 2017, the user must put in the months number for it to work. The Dane Joe PHP creates a function that takes a first and last name and switches the first and last letter of each name. Jane Doe becomes Dane Joe. The Dice Statistics creates a 'Dice Roller' that uses random number generators to virtually roll two dice several times and create some sort of chart to show the sum of the output each time. The Background Selector allows a user to selectthe color of the website background a uses cookies to keepthestting for a day.
Block 3 Projects
I did the Dice Statistics but better. This one utilizes a database.
I also use PHP5 to code in some randomlly generated coin flips in HTML
A lot of the work I did in the thrid block was chaning my website to be a nice, presentable, and coherant document of what I learned.If you are reading this now you might not know what my site looked like before.Luckly there is a website that you can use to see what it looked like from the begining
At the end of the block I did a Quality Assurance Document .