Summer Block 3

We had to research and implement a library into our website. I decided to use CSS libraries and I decided to use Bootstrap. I'm working on it separately from my website, so I still have a working website, even if there's a Bootstrap error. Here is my website (in progress) with Bootstrap: Bootstrap Website

We had to go through our whole website and find errors and then fix them. We had to document all of the errors and fix some of them. Quality Assurance Document

We created a syntax guide to learn the basics of programming in MySQL. We also had different mini challenges, where we had to write out the code for a certain feature in MySQL and test to see if it worked. We also had to observe and write about the results. My guide: My MySQL Syntax Guide

We created a program using PHP, HTML, and MySQL. We based it off of the dice statistics program we had written before. The user puts in their first name, last name, favorite color, shoe size, and how many times they want to roll a dice. A table with their results is outputted. Their information also saves to multiple tables in MySQL. My program: Dice Roller Database

Summer Block 2

The last project that I did as a part of Krista's projects was a calendar using PHP and HTML. It's a calendar for 2017. The user is able to choose a month in the year and for that month, all of the days are printed in a calendar format. Calendar

Another one of Krista's projects I did was the XML blog. It was fairly simple. I linked an XML page, which just stores data, to a PHP page, which called in a loop whatever I put in my XML page. XML Blog

As a part of Krista's projects, I made a Background Selector on my website. The program has a drop down menu where the user can choose one of many colors. Once the user chooses a color, the background color of the website is changed to that color. The color is stored in cookies, so if the user leaves the page and comes back within a certain amount of time, the color will still be set as the background color. Background Selector

Miguel gave a class demonstration for the Dynamic Pages project in Krista's Projects part 2. We have PHP files that dynamically load content by passing a $_GET variable. The content of the website is stored in separate HTML files that we linked to the main PHP file. Dynamic Pages

The third project I chose to work on from Krista's Projects was the Dice Statistics Projects. The user inputted a number of times that two dice would roll. Then, my program generated a table with how many times the two dice had rolled, the value of the first dice, the value of the second dice, and the sum of both values. My program: Dice Statistics

We created another program as a part of Krista's projects. This one had the user input a first name and a last name in a box. The program then switched the first letter of the first name with the first letter of the last name and the last letter of the first name with the last letter of the last name. It then echoed the name back out to the person. My program: Dane Joe

We created a program using PHP and HTML. The program randomly generates a hex code with the click of a button and then sets the background of the page to the color of the hex code. My program: Random Hex Code Generator

Ernie did another demonstration on how to use different forms and how forms worked. He also demonstrated how we could validate forms. Forms

Ernie did a demonstration for a coin flip model in PHP that, depending on the number of flips that the variable holds, outputs a percentage for how many times heads was flipped and how many times tails was flipped. We then worked with Ernie on rendering and embedding HTML into the PHP coin program.



We created a programming concepts syntax guide in Google Docs. We input the instructions and examples for how to program different concepts in JavaScript, PHP, and a language of our choice. Since I didn't know C++ already, I chose that for my third language. My guide: Programming Concepts Syntax Guide

2017 Spring

We learned about parallel computing and recorded answers and observations in our parallel computing notebooks. Parallel computers get work done faster, do more work in the same amount of time with the same amount of space, and do the work better. My notebook: Parallel Computing Notebook

2017 Fall

We kept working in AgentCubes and made an SIR model. If an "infected person" came in contact with a "sick person" they became sick, eventually recovering or being able to go to a hospital and become better: Disease

We learned about AgentCubes and made a model that represented flies going out of a window, otherwise randomly moving. When they landed on the window shape, they erased themselves, appearing to have flown out: Thing1

We used Vensim to create an SIR (Sick, Infected, Recovered) model that represented people getting sick, getting better, and dying. I added my extensions to this model: SIR Model

We edited the previous rabbit model that we had created to represent change and how it affected behavior over time: Change vs. Behavior

We started learning about Vensim by using a simple rabbit model in Vensim that had a birth fraction, and a competition fraction. There was a cloud going into the rabbit population that represented the births and there was a cloud leaving that represented the deaths. We also modeled a graph to go along with it: Rabbits in Vensim

We learned about "Have = Had + Change" and worked on a simple population growth model where the change in the population growth was proportional to the population itself and we modeled a graph to represent our data: Simple Population

We continued working in Excel, this time learning about programming concepts. We worked with slopes, equations for slopes, and the intercepts, learning about using formulas in Excel and applying them to real life situations: Programming Concepts

We learned about iterations and how loops worked in class, and made two models in Excel. One represented a basic iteration example using math and one was about using diffusion to spread a certain color across a block of colors: Iteration Examples

Our first homework assignment was about ethics in a place of work. We were tasked with the hypothetical issue that we had to have a project done in a certain amount of time. However, our team had too many personal matters to juggle and we were falling behind. The boss of the company thought we were just slacking off. We had to come up with a response about how we would address the problem in a professional manner, while still making sure we finished our project on time. My project: Professional Office Ethics Essay

Our first project was this website! We created an html page for our blog, our portfolio, the projects we work on in Shodor, and our home page; and linked all of them to the same CSS sheet to make the design.