My Daily Blog
Hello, my name is Christopher Parker and I am an apprentice here at Shodor.
Fall Blogs
Oct. 8th 2016
Today, we just got into the basics of the Apprenticeship program such as what we will be doing and what it has to offer. We looked over the guidelines of the Shodor handbook. We also looked over the rules that we must follow if we want to stay in the program. I remember one rule which is if you work, you get paid. I hope to get more from the program such as learning more about Computer Programming and HTML and CSS coding. I was also able to see some of my old friends from earlier workshops such as Sachin. I am extremely excited for what will come for next class.
Oct. 15th 2016
I started to work on my website and updated my blog for both today and yesterday. I am having a lot of fun working on my website because this is my first time actually making a website devoted to both me and what I do for a living. In class today, Ron Broadnax taught us a fun lesson on ethics. He was very creative when he was showing us his presentation. He dressed as a completly different person that had nothing ethical about him. It was an extremely fun presentation and I hope to have more exciting moments like this at Shodor. We also started to work on Excel today and look at the basics of Excel and what the program has to offer.
Oct. 22nd 2016
We continued the progress we made on Excel. We made a new document and we called it Coin Flip. It is an Excel model that shows coin flipping such as flipping to show it to either be heads or tails. We also made a Random walk model where it showed the location of a certain cell if you press a button. We also looked at statements such as the If and Else statements that causes certain things to happen. We also looked at the RAND function which gives us a random number value in Excel.
Nov. 5th 2016
Today, we learned a vast amount of Excel terms. Excel is like a sandbox where if you make a mistake, then you could just fix it and nothing bad would happen to your progress. We learned about Relative Addressing which is a process in Excel which grabs a group of information and carries it anywhere on the spreadsheet. we also worked on a new model in Excel which I called Iteration Examples. It shows examples of Iteration which is repitition of a step or keep taking a step until you get to your desired step. After we played with the Iteration model, we started on another new term called diffusion. diffusion is when there is a color in a cell and you make the color harder to see.
Nov. 12th 2016
I was taught that there was other ways of putting the saying Expectation, Observation, and Reflection into other words such as Preview, View, and Review. We looked at a couple of new Excel models as a review today. We touched on the Iteration subject a little bit by making an Excel model showing how if you click and drag an item, putting it into different location will give you completely different results. We started on Vensim today and made a disease/sickness model that represents both sick and healthy people. It needed both rates and equations to work or the outcome of the model would not look right. Dr. Panoff told us to download it at home so we could work on this at home and add new things to the model to have a completely different outcome.
Nov. 19th 2016
In class today, we put our examples of the Have=Had+Change on an Excel document. There was a lot of good examples of it such as Height and Weight. The other models were also models we have already made or seen before such as rate of sickness or forest fire. After we finished up our work on Vensim and reviewed over it, we started on a new type of model. The new type of model we worked on is called an Agent model. We used a website called Agent Cubes which I already had an account. We made a agent model that modeled a sickness spreading amoungst a population. We were also able to make our own agent model after we had finished the sickness model. It was a creative lesson today with all the knowledge I had gained from Agent Models.
Dec. 3rd 2016
I found a partner for the Group Project that we have to do. The project is to choose any real world problem or situation and create both a system and agent model. The partner that I chose was William and he seems like a pretty cool partner. Even though we tried and thought of countless ideas, we decided to stick with the idea of a population model. It shows both a population growing and decreasing and predator and prey. William will work on the system model while I work on the Agent Model. I am extremely excited to keep working on this project at home.
Dec. 10th 2016
Today, me and William continued working on the project that we will present next Saturday and it is coming along nicely. William had a little trouble on the Vensim model but we were able to get help from Aaron on it and we fixed the mistake. My contribution to the project on the other hand was pretty good. The agent model needed lots of models to be created since we had so many things in our project. I needed a little bit of help from Ernie when I was stumped on a simple mistake. But we were able to get through the hardships and completed the project and so we are ready to present our project.
Dec. 17, 2016
We weren't able to present today because not many people had came. William and I still continued to add more onto our project. We fixed some mistakes that Dr. Panoff and Aaron had pointed out. They were small problems as having unreasonable values for the birth and death rates. We tried to present today but we didn't have enough time to complete it and present today. We will present the second Saturday of January so we have plenty of time to prep ourselves for the presentation.
Jan. 14, 2017
Today, we were able to present our group project to the class. Not many people came today, so not many people went up to present. I think that we didn't do so well presenting our presentation and I want to do better. I need to increase my volume and speak much more loudly. I also need to stop studdering and saying things that aren't in the presentation. I need to have a script at the ready if I don't know what to say. I learned a lot from this experience and hope to fix future mistakes by using this information to help me.
Feb. 04, 2017
The class has started an entirely new concept this week. We started Computer Concepts which are the basic fundamentals of computers and how they are utilized in the real world. Instead of Ernie looking over the Apprenticeship Program, Aaron said that he will be the director over the program for a while. The code we are working with is a previous code used for a predator/prey model and we are to change it into a disease model. I find this activity very fun and exciting and I hope it will allow me to use excel to a whole new level in learning how to program computers and how they work.
Feb. 11, 2017
We continued our new concept today and we added a lot more to the code that we were given last Saturday. We changed the names of the predators and prey to the sick and healthy. We used the tool that helps track and count how many of a certain item are located in the code. We also will find out how to make the code change into a disease type model where instead of the predators eating the prey and the prey dissapearing on the graph, the sick will infect the healthy and the healthy will not dissapear, but only change into a sick person themself.
Feb. 18, 2017
Today was the end for the Febuary module and it was one fun module indeed. The lessons we learned from this as a class were very educational and I felt satification with what we had learned today. We will start on our spring project soon and it is to trasform either a predator-prey model or a disease model into a fire spreading model. It will be a paired programming project of course so I will have to pick a partner for the project.
Mar. 4th, 2017
We have just gotten back to Shodor today to start our project of transferring a model into a fire spreading model. My partner I was able to acquire was Luka. I was able to fill out what we were going to create for our project. Our base model will just be a fire spreading with the trees becoming burnt trees after burning for a certain amount of time. Then I was going to add the firefighters to the project and allow them to put the fires out and plant new ones in place of them. Additions that I want to add are a wind factor and maybe some kind of random chance that lightning will strike on a certain spot and create a new fire. I started out with a predator-prey model and worked off of that. I was able to change both the prey and food into fire and vegetation. I also was able to change how the prey/fire was able to react to the food/vegetation.
Mar. 11th, 2017
Luka came back today and I filled her in on all the things that I had done last week. She helped and did her part of the project and we were able to fix a mistake that I had made earlier in the day. We removed predators from the model since we changed our idea for the model around a bit. We had removed putting both firefighters and burned trees into our model. Instead we made the trees/vegetation part of the world and they would regrow after a certain amount of time. The fire would not be able to spread if there were no vegetation surrounding it. We were able to accomplish that and we are moving on to the extra additions that we could make to the project. We chose to do wind first and that seemed hard so we decided to put that off until next Saturday before we present our project.
Mar. 18th, 2017
Today was the day for our presentation and we still had an unfinished project. We had finished our main part of the proect which is to create a fire spreading model but we hadn't added the wind factor yet. We were able to get Aaron's help and he showed us a way to implant a wind factor into our model. We tried it and it actually worked. The wind actually pushed the fire into just one direction because of our wind intensity bar. The wind intensity bar was implemented by me and Luka. The main direction it wen was North because we only coded it to push strongly towards that direction when the bar has been maxed out and not the other directions. After that, we had presented and I think I dramatically changed over the course of two months with my presentation skills. The day went great and I can't wait to start the next concept which is Parallel Computing.
Apr. 1st, 2017
After being gone for a week or two, I have came back to Shodor once more for a final concept before the summer blocks. We were given our summer blocks information and I am trying to choose what blocks that would be best for me. But enough about me, today we started parallel computing, a way to use a computer to simulate multiple possibilities such as flipping a coin or any chance encounter. We also learned about parts fo a computer and how they function inside of that computer. We also looked at certain types of computers that have very different parts. We used a site made by Aaron to simulate parallel workers flipping coins and a serial worker flipping coins. We did other activities that were intresting and they were related to Parallel Computing in some way.
Apr. 8th, 2017
I have gotten to know more about Parallel Computing today. We did activities that involved real world activites but they were also related to Parallel Computing. We did an activity called "Parallel Recipe". We could do it on anything so I did "How To Wrestle". It was fun to make an entire list on how to wrestle. Then we made the actual parallel recipe which had two more people in the process of helping the individual in this activity. It seems that having more than one person can get the work done a lot faster than just one. We took a look at a LittleFe, a tiny "supercomputer" which there was multiples of them in the building. I was able to hold one and look at the parts. It of course had a motherboard and it had lots of RAM cards lying besdie each other. It also had a cooling fan that cools down the system if it gets too hot. There were also wires connecting most of these things to the motherboard so they could work.
Apr. 22nd, 2017
Today we finished the Parallel Computing lesson and I enjoyed it a lot. The summer program is coming up and it seems extremely exciting. I had a fun year at Shodor and this summer will be no different. This will be my final blog before the summer program so I will try and recap all the things that I have accomplished so far. We have done things AgentCubes and Vensim such as Sick and Healthy models or a Predator and Prey Model. We also learned about Computer Concepts and how computers work. We learned about parts of a computer and how they functioned. And lastly we learned about Parallel Computing.
Jun. 19th, 2017
The summer block has started and I went for the first block. I still remember plenty of things that I have learned from Shodor. We started on the block projects which were the Agent and System Models for any idea we wanted. I decided to do a predator-prey model which exemplifies the relationship between the sharks(predators) and the fish(prey). I hope that when I do finish my project, I am able to do many more things that will encourage me to keep pushing foward and try to achieve my goals.
Jun. 20th, 2017
I was able to finish my HLD and finalize it today. I was approved by an apprentice, an intern, and an employee. I moved onto my agent model and was able to finish the task partially before having to stop because of frustration. I continued onto the system model in vensim which was incredibly more easier than the agent model. I had finished the entirety of the model but I wanted to add more to it so I did by adding a completly different variable that would change the model big time. I will have more change added to the model but for now I must finish the creation of my agent model.
Jun. 21st, 2017
Today was the day I was able to complete most of my first project since I had so much time to work on it. I have completly finished all of my system model. The system model didn't take as much time as the agent model did. The agent model on the other hand was extremely frustrating and didn't work whatsoever. I had to work with it for a bit until I was able to create a working agent model. I was happy with my results and posted two pictures of each model on my near finished website. Tomorrow I expect to complete the Gimp and Inkscape projects and find other things to do to improve my work efficiency.
Jun. 22nd, 2017
Days and Days have gone by and it seems that I am enjoying myself even more. I feel like I have a larger, more vast knowledge of agent and system modeling. Ernie was able to help me with my website and correcting the css for it. I had a moment when you make one tiny little mistake and it messes up everything in the code. I was able to fix the small mistake due to the rescue by Ernie. Thanks Ernie. I also added many more adjustments to the website such as different color fonts and creative text fonts. I still need to work on it and make some final touch ups to the website and make it perfect. I will try tomorrow to have the Inkscape and Gimp projects completed or at least get one of them finished and the other one partially finished.
Jun. 23rd, 2017
The website that I have been working on since the beginning of the week has almost been completed. I must input a few more lines of text to explain certain items that are in my agent and system models. This week hasn't been that rough since I knew about what I was doing mostly. I didn't really have to ask for much help and went on to complete everything that I wanted to complete this week. I finished about three assignments Inkscape and I will try and finish the last one before I have to leave for the day. The Inkscape tutorial by Ernie was a great refresher indeed and helped remind a lot of what I had learned from a workshop that Joel taught almost a year ago. Ernie told us that we will start a Gimp tutorial next Monday so I will be prepared for that. I've enjoyed this week and I'm glad I completed most of the task that I assigned myself this week. I think next week will be an easier week since I had completed so much of the work this week.
Jun. 26th, 2017
This morning I had to do morning reception and didn't do anything except that for most of the beginning of the day. But after lunch, Ernie was able to post a youtube video of all they did while I was at the reception desk. The video will probably explain a lot. I finished the entirety of the Inkscape assignments and all I have to do now to that section of assignments are to customize them and turn them into .png. After I do that, I'm going to bring headphones so I can listen to both the Gimp Tutorial by Ernie and the youtube video about HTML Responsive Web Design. I also edited some of my css and html on the other websites that I made. I decided to add a comment bar to my portfolio so people could comment on my work. I still need to work on it since it isn't working properly. Today was productive since I performed my tasks in a certain amount of time and produced great results.
Jun. 27th, 2017
Today was a productive day since I didn't have any ODAA's this morning or afternoon. I was able to listen to the Responsive Web Design Tutorial that was about two hours long. I completed the website with only making a few minor mistakes. I fixed those mistakes without the help of anyone which made feel more confident about writing and correcting code. I started the Gimp tutorials after I came back from lunch and since I knew so much about Photoshop, Gimp didn't take much to understand. I was able to complete one of the Gimp projects before we had to leave today. Tomorrow will be mostly be made up of me completing the various Gimp projects I have left and scaling my images that I created in Inkscape. I believe on Thursday I will try to add more to my agent model and I will be completely finished.
Jun. 28th, 2017
I completed a lot of my work today. I caught up on all of the gimp work and other things related to that matter. All I have to do to the part of the project is to scale images and turn them into good-looking banners. I also added more attachments to the website to make it look even better. It was a long and hard process but it was completely worth it since it looks so great. The end of the block is coming to an end and I'm getting excited for what is to come next block or the end of the week. My portfolio was cleaned up also and it looks much more organized since I customized the css for my entire website. Tomorrow I will try and finish the rest of the Gimp projects by tomorrow.
Jun. 29th, 2017
Today was the day I added my final touches to both my website and my projects. But that doesn't mean I will stop customizing or creating new things to be placed in them. I really want to add more and more to my website and make it look extremely neat and clean. I think tomorrow I will try and clean up all of my mistakes that I made in this website. I was able to get Ernie to check my website and I had a few mistakes that I had not fixed. All of my Inkscape and Gimp projects are complete and I may be adding even more. I also will try and create many more agent and system models. I can't wait to make more in this great program.
Jun. 30th, 2017
This is the final day of the first summer block. This block has been both interesting and exciting. I have had more fun than all the things I did last summer combined. I wasn't working on any of my projects this morning because I had morning documentation. After that, I went straight into making and customizing my website to make it look more creative and good-looking. While I was doing my ODAA, one of my fellow apprentices, Jackson, did his presentation because this was his last day so if you read this Jackson, I hope to see you as an intern if you become one but if not, good luck. So onto other things, I added a great many things to my website such as a gif and a welcoming message when you enter my website. I also added an up to date calendar that can keep me updated on what day it it. And finally I added a sparkling effect to my mouse if you ever are on my webpage. This block was great and I hope that the next one will be filled with excitement.
Jul. 10th, 2017
The first day of the second block was today and I wasn't there. My dad was sick on that day and he couldn't drive me here. The day will be made up soon when I get back to Shodor.
Jul. 11th, 2017
I missed yet another day because of my sick dad and that gives me an even bigger reason to be ready when I get back. I hope that all the work that I receive wil be easy and that I can understand it.
Jul. 12th, 2017
Today I came back after missing two days straight because of my sick dad. I was able to see people from the apprenticeship program that I had not seen ever since the spring block. I had to catch up on a lot of work such as the projects that we were given on the beginning of the 2nd block. I watched all three video's from the days that I missed. The videos were extremely helpful and showed me how to use php.
Jul. 13th, 2017
I was able to complete a decent amount of work today after getting help from Ernie and a few of my friends such as Huny and William. They helped fix my Dane Joe php and my I started on my Dice Roll. I hope that I can complete all of the projects by the end of this block as I finished every single project that I was given last summer block. Today was also the day Miguel taught us about dynamic webpages and he did a great job on teaching it. He explained fairly well and I understood it perfectly. The next day should be a busy day for me since we have a great many projects.
Jul. 14th, 2017
Today wasn't much of a productive day for me. This morning I had to do morning documentation but it was fun doing it. After finishing typing up the document and sending the photos to the google document, I was able to start on most of my projects. I got through a few of them and I have to add a few adjustments to them and clean them to make them look better. I was frustrated because the mistakes I was getting were numerous and random. My Cyberduck wasn't working properly sometimes so I had to find a way to customize the documents without the use of Cyberduck but I hope next week I can redeem myself and fix all of the mistakes that happened this week.
Jul. 17th, 2017
Like I said in my previous blog entry, I was going to redeem myself after all of the mishaps that occurred last week. We started to have a lecture from Ernie on form validation and how we could use it to protect ourselves from online invaders such as hackers. It seems pretty useful if you want a somewhat safe website. He had given us a document to work from and follow him as he spoke and added other code to the document. He wanted us to add form validation to all of our projects that we have been assigned this entire block. The reason I am extremely happy today is that I was able to fix a problem on one of the projects that had me stumped for a while. It was a problem on my dice statistics project and the problem was that it would not appear on the web browser. I asked Ernie for helped and he sure did deliver. He showed me the small and tiny mistakes that I had made within the project and it caused me to face palm. I had everything in the wrong order and it was the reason everything was messy.
Jul. 18th, 2017
I came in late today due to me oversleeping because of a rough night. Even though that occurred, I was still able to get a great deal of work done. I worked with my Jane Doe project and got a decent amount of progress on it. I also started on my XML blog and I am close to finishing it. All I have left to finish is the Jane Doe, Background Selector, and the Calendar. The Jane Doe project took most of my afternoon since I had morning documentation. The projects that are left will only be a challenge if I allow them to so I must try hard.
Jul. 19th, 2017
I accomplished a large amount of work today. Both my Background Selector and my Name Switcher projects were both completed within this morning. I was able to do the entire Background Selector without the help of anyone. It showed me that I am able to finish a challenging problem after lots and lots of headaches and frustration. The other project, which was the Name Switcher, was a little bit more difficult. I had the entire thing put together but it was not working until I got some help from Ernie. He showed me that I was doing it correctly but I was going in the wrong direction and that I needed to change of few aspects of the document. After today, I soon will finish the Calendar and the XML Blog so I still am busy.
Jul. 20th, 2017
I had a great day today since I had finished so much in such little time. I was able to complete a few of my validation on my projects for this block. The most difficult one that I encountered was the background selector since it didn't work without the echo but the echo was causing the error. The easiest one would have to be the Dice Roll since the line breaks were the only major problems I had when it came to validations. Tomorrow will mostly be made up of me finishing my calendar and validating the rest of my projects. I think I will be able to finish all of them by the end of tomorrow since I won't have any kind of ODAA tomorrow.
Jul. 21st, 2017
I have finished my second block and will now continue onto my third and final block. I completed all of my projects and they all work accordingly and as planned. They all work like I wanted them to and when I validated them, they work (well most of them did). I chose to save my calendar for a later time since I only had warnings for that php document. I felt pretty accomplished after not needing much help. Ernie and Huny helped fix my Background Selector which wasn't displaying any of the colors.
Jul. 24th, 2017
I have started my third and final block and I hope that it will be a great block too. We had lecture from Ernie today on databases and it was interesting in some way. I learned a lot from the lecture and it made the lesson on sql extremely easy. It was an easy going day with mostly getting our sql document finished. I was able to help Huny a little bit with one of his mini projects. And to think me, helping someone else and somewhat succeeding. This shows how much progress this program has helped me achieve. After the morning lectures and other things of that sort, we were able to start on how databases work and how they would work in php. The lessons we had were fun and I throughly enjoyed them and I hope that later lessons will be equally as fun. I was told that I have to present at the end of this block so I hope that I am prepared for it.
Jul. 25th, 2017
- Our lecture today was on how we could use databases to link other databases to either themselves or to other databases. The lecture didn't turn out as expected since Ernie wasn't feeling so good. I started to understand the concept of transferrable databases when he started to show us how to work by physically displaying how transferring a database would work. I started to complete the remaining parts of the SQL syntax guide that I had left from yesterday. I also started and finished the second part to the syntax guide mostly. The day was pretty slow and it didn't seem like much was taken from it but in truth, I learned a lot today and I understand databases way more than I originally did. I just hope that it doesn't either more difficult or more easy.
Jul. 26th, 2017
- The day for me was a cut a little short since I was late by one or two minutes and I also had afternoon reception. I was able to work on one of the projects given to me by Ernie and almost finish it to completion. I still need to fix a few errors and mistake I made whilst creating the SQL Document. The only mistake I made seemed to be is that I didn't create the amount of times a dice could be rolled so that will be my objective come the next day. I will enjoy working on this project since it is a challenge to me. I also have to finish the other project which is related to the Dice roll project in some way. I just hope that I am able to add my final adjustments to my website and fix all of my projects before I leave by the end of this block.
Jul. 27th, 2017
- Today was an easier day since I didn't have a single ODAA duty and that gave me an opportunity to complete a large sum of work. I went back to my php projects since I didn't have my password with me at the moment so I wasn't able to finish the project since I hadn't brought my password that I had left at home. The projects from block 2, which I had difficulty completing during that block, was extremely easy since I learned so much since that block. The pages of each project has a style tag which gives them color but the other pages such as my Hexadecimal code and Background Selector. I also may add even more to them such as gradient backgrounds and when I come tomorrow, I will start the SQL projects that I had not finished.
Jul. 28th, 2017
- ALRIGHT!!! This day was possibly the best work day I have ever had. I was able to get so much done and still have time to do my reflection, blog, and a little extra assignments that I made for myself. I have enjoyed myself today by having my friends, interns, and Ernie help me on certain problems I had with my code and other things related to that matter. The day felt a little slow in the morning but by the evening, it started to speed up and that caused me to work even faster. I decided to finish editing my projects and adding them onto my portfolio within my website. They worked this time since I discovered the mistakes I made that caused them. I was then able to move onto my SQL Procedural since I brought my password with me this time. It seemed a little confusing at the beginning until Ernie explained a bit more throughly today.
Jul. 31st, 2017
- The day has been pretty good. I was a little tired this morning because of my alarm clock malfunctioning (which woke me up around 4:00am) and things of that sort. I was able to start validating my main site and cleaning any errors that I made on it. Other than that, most of the day was enjoyable and exciting since I knew what I was doing and I had lots of fun. This week is my final week here and I hope it will be my best week. The friends I have made here at Shodor are nice and extremely awesome. I will try my hardest these last few days and hope to make the best out of every single one of them.
August 1st, 2017
- It is has been a very slow day today but I still was able to accomplish some things. This morning, I was able to try and finish the 3/4 way assignment but I kept getting certain errors because of reasons that I will explain later in this blog entry. I chose to stop a while and work on cleaning my websites by validating them and making them look good. I wanted to add a library but I chose to not do that and leave that for last since it may be a little difficult to input one onto my website. I chose to return to the assignment I was trying to complete earlier. I asked Ernie for help and his helped worked out extremely well. The error was because I had a line of code commented out. I felt so confused because it was commented out and it shouldn't have affected the code whatsoever. The rest of the day after that was me mostly documenting and watching over the workshop that happened this afternoon. I hope that tomorrow since I do not have a single ODAA duty, that I could produce much better results with that project.
August 2nd, 2017
- Today was possibly my final day that I could work on the assignmetns given to us. I was able to complete a great deal of work today because of large time frame I had today. I completed the average shoe size and the most favorite color and I also wanted to move onto the library but I didn't have enough time. I was going to start my website validation process tomorrow with fixing my website pages first and then moving onto my projects.
August 3rd, 2017
- Most of the day was me either working on validating most of my work or doing an ODAA duty. The validating part of my day went great with most of the websites validated very easily while others were a little difficult. I had enough time to finish most of it but I decided to leave a little bit more for tomorrow before the presentation.
August 4th, 2017
- My final day in the apprenticeship was today and it was both a sad and fun one indeed. I hate to leave but I will come back the week after next since I'm not doing anything that week. I also hope to see some of my friends that week. I also expect myself to come the day that Renee Daughtry comes again to visit some of the apprentices that weren't here this block. My presentation went well today with me only making a few errors here and there with me pronunciation of certain words. I also stuttered a few times during the presentation because I was stumbling on my words. There were other people who did their presentations such as Divya and Gustavo did amazing. Their presentations were great and how they executed them was great too. After all of our presentations, there was a presentation from Renee Daughtry who is a engineer who works with legos and robotics. It was a interesting presentation and grabbed my attention quickly. I will speak about the presentation in yet another blog which will be down below and so to sum this up, I enjoyed this program. The way I was taught and the friends that I made were great. I learned a great deal from this program and expect other people to have a similar but different experience like mine.
- The presentation today by Renee Daughtry was very interesting. I learned a lot from his lecture on the STEM careers and how they are constantly changing and that we should have that mentality that we are the generation that will improve the previous generations work and the process will go on and on. He told us about Cisco and what it is. The company and its history was interesting. He is a lego robotics engineer and his job title explains it all. He told us about college interns that work at Cisco and how they know a lot at since they been working at Cisco. I am really interested in joining Cisco three week program in July where the students work with the college interns to create networking devices and network systems. That sounds extremely fun and something I might consider in the future.