This website models an animal shelter. Using Vensim, Agent Cubes, and Excel to model, this project provides specific and accurate information about what to expect in an animal shelter. (Note: This was a group project with Abia Ahmed and Anagha Jandhyala.)
In a made up scenario with a difficult job, but even more difficult colleagues, I wrote an essay explaining what I would do in this situation.
This is a Vensim Model that represents the population of rabbits. Factors like birth fraction and aging fractions are included in this Vensim model.
In this model, I represented a spread of disease. The green square represents the sick person, and when they are next to a healthy person (blue square) they spread the disease and the healthy person becomes ill.
This is a group project with Sahithi and I. We modeled a forest fire, where the trees spawned at a random area in the grid.
Parallel Computings NotebookDuring our parallel computing unit, we took notes and wrote down observations of what was going on and the things we did.
Code CommentingTo help us better understand Javascript, we commented out a Javascript file. In the comments, we explained what each line (part of the code) meant.