The Model
More Controls
Change the size of the canvas (volume):
(proportional to 300 x 600; scale from 0.5 to 2 times the 300 x 600 canvas)Change the number of particles:
(5 to 50 particles)Change the time of data collection:
(enter time in seconds; 5 to 60 seconds)Change the speed of particles:
(enter speed; 4 to 12)How to Use the Model
In order for the model to function, we have included several buttons:
Play - allows the model to run
Data - allows the model to run and collect data for a certain amount of time
Pause - stops the particles from moving without resetting the model
Reset - stops the model from running and creates a new set of molecules
Step - moves the model one step forward and then stops
Save - saves the number of wall collisions and the other parameters from a trial
Clear - clears the canvas that displays data