
July 27th, 2012

Final day of documentation for this week. Documented forensics, figured out who played the "prank"

July 26th, 2012

Reception today, worked pageRender

July 25th, 2012

Continued work with pageRender, revised, edited, and resubmitted documentations.

July 24th, 2012

Documenting the Forensics workshop. Is pretty interesting.

July 23th, 2012

Continuing Work, nothing interesting happening

July 20th, 2012

Documentation today, yay,,?

July 19th, 2012

Working with pagerender

July 18th, 2012

So I finally got my spring stipend approved by M.Clarke. Yay money..?

July 17th, 2012

Started working on my HLD for the page render. Not completely sure what I have to do.

July 16th, 2012

Today we were supposed to start working with pagerender and stuff. I finished up some PHP projects.

July 13th, 2012

Today Ernie wanted us to present some of our PHP projects. I presented my dice project. QQ

July 12th, 2012

Today I worked on more php stuff. I finished a 2 projects.

July 11th, 2012

Setting up new dev?

July 10th, 2012

More work on php projects

July 9th, 2012

PHP and shit, copying code and doing php

June 29th, 2012

Today I worked on another desktop background, referencing 1984 again. "Under the spreading chestnut tree, I sold you and you sold me". I also worked on several other varying graphics and I was generally very productive.

June 28th, 2012

Today I worked on a desktop background, referencing 1984 and starring ernie as big brother. I also worked on my logo and other graphics stuff. Later in day, Ernie gave us the formula by which he would calculate our stipends, so I created a JS calculator to determine how much I get.

June 27th, 2012

Ernie gave us a picture by which we could use Gimp to alter it into whatever we want. I worked on that and shit.

June 26th, 2012

I had receptionist today.

June 25th, 2012

Today is Block 1 week 2 day 1. We had assignments on going through tutorials and stuff. I went through the ink one.

June 22th, 2012

Today I finished up my model, rewrote my HLD and continued reading 1984. I also contemplated about working on me spring stipend.

June 21th, 2012

Today I read parts of 1984 because it was interesting. Also I worked on model

June 20th, 2012

Continued working on model blah blah blah, added the counter and stuff yep.

June 19th, 2012

Continued working on model blah blah blah

June 18th, 2012

Today was the first day of the block 1 whatever. Today we worked on a predator prey model. I wrote my High Level Design document, created sprites, and added behaviors for 2/3 of the agents. I'd say that I was very productive.

May 5th, 2012

Today was the last day before Summer scheduling. I presented my predator prey model with Na'im K.

April, 21th, 2012

Today was a workday for the JavaScript project. My partner was not here, and he had the code onn his account not public so I didn't have anything to work on aside from further revising the HLD document, created last week. I went through the W3Schools javascript tutorial to strengthen my knowledge of JavaScript.

April, 14th, 2012

Today, we started our first JavaScript project, which was to remodel old projects previously made in agent sheets and other modeling programs into JavaScript. I worked with Na'im to create a Predator-Prey model in JavaScript. Today, I created the High Level Design document.

March, 17th, 2012

Today we worked on learning more Javascsript stuff. We focused on using javascript objects and using the canvas to make 3 random colored rectangles to move in the canvas. Yeappppppppp.

March, 10th, 2012

In the morning, we worked on more Javascripting with Doug Ivers and it was fun. In the afternoon, we learned about fractals and stuff.

March 3rd, 2012

Today we learned a lot of JavaScript concepts and stuff with Mr Ivers. We worked with loops, arrays, offsets. Using those, we used Caesar Ciphers to encode messages, and used arrays to make a javascript document that displayed times to seconds more efficient, rather than repeating same code over and over again.

February 18th, 2012

Today I went to UNCG to compete in a Science Olympiad event. Yep, I wasn't here.

February 11th, 2012

Today we learned about newtworking and hexadecimal with Trey and Joel in the morning. In the afternoon, we worked with Rob to model stuff like the velocity of a falling cat and we did an activity where there was a percentage chance for someone to "reproduce" and we made a tree showing how many generations could survive.

February 4th, 2012

Today, we learned about computer hardware with Trey and then learned about Terminal command line commands with Trey. Then, after lunch, we finished our presentations. Me + Keith presented our model.

January 28th, 2012

Today we worked on our models and watched other peoples models. Yep. We made our website pretty obnoxious, and had a big marquee tag burning.

January 21th, 2012

Today we worked on probability with Rob Hochberg. We also worked on the project. Yay.

January 14th, 2012

Today we got our project on Agent + System Modeling. Me and Keith worked together to create our Agent modeling, and I started on the excel model, which I don't think worked well. Right now, it says that Farmer Dan will get 3 customers, and only 15 dollars a day. Forever alone... I believe that is wrong, though.

December 17th, 2011

In the beggining of class, we worked on our Excel theoretical model and created formulas to add in a doctor fraction. Later, we worked on creating on our own infection model. I worked with Keith to create a Bubonic Plague model that had rats and people who are suseptible, infected, or recovered. Our model worked pretty well.

December 10th, 2011

Today, we did more modeling with Agent Sheets, and started working with Excel for modeling. At the beginning of the class, we started working on modifying the disease spread model to try to control the disease. Afterwards, we took a experimental set of data from Agent Sheets and graphed it in excel. From their, we tried creating a theoretical set of data to match the experimental set of data.

December 3rd, 2011

Today for class, we worked on modeling in Agent Sheets with Jeff. While we didn't create our own Agent Sheet model, we downloaded an infection model that we looked at, analyzed, and changed for the majority of the class. Meanwhile, I worked on updating my .vimrc file during lunch and continued customizing my Vim settings. EMACS is horrible.

December 1st, 2011

For around 2 hours of In Office Time, I worked today to create my essay for office ethics and continued to configure my .vimrc file. I also looked into EMACS, and found out how horrible it is.

November 23rd, 2011

Today I came to Shodor for the 5 Additional Office Hours that I needed. I came here at around 9:00 and left at around 2:00. Today, I worked on creating my .Vimrc file to save my VIM settings and worked on mostly the Blog aspect of my website, as I accidentally deleted my blog last week. I also fixed my formatting for my HTML documents, and learned some new VIM commands (CTRL-Z to return to shell, FG (foreground) from the shell to return to the suspended VIM document. This should be useful to me when I have multiple VIM documents opened and tabbed, and I need to return to the shell.

November 19th, 2011

Today, we did some stuff with Bob Pannoff, the CEO of Shodor. It was all about how you "know stuff" and we did stuff. Yep, meanwhile, I learned how to tab in VIM, and various other features of VIM. Also, I accidentally deleted my blog for my HLDD. I thought that the command :1,15 w! blog.html would save lines 1-15 of my index onto lines 1-15 of the blog, but it only saved lines 1-15 to my blog. Oops. :D

November 12th, 2011

Here in Shodor, we got our first project: A High Level Design Document. Today was mostly a work day, and we were supposed to follow the Shodor Tutorial. I chose to use VIM to create my website, even though most people used textwrangler,and I had to deal with the learning curve of using VIM for the first time. I was a bit less productive than other apprentices, but I learned more about VIM.

November 5th, 2011

Today is the first day of my apprenticeship at Shodor. With Joel, we learned how to navigate in the Linux Terminal and used the Terminal to connect to the Shodor Servers. Also in Terminal, we created our Public_Html folder, and created a basic HTML file through VIM.

With Ernie, we went over the Apprentice handbook and Shodor polices. Also, we got our pictures taken and created labels for our mailbox!