Forest Fire

AgentCubes Model

Link to Model 1

This model is a model that shows the spreading of a forest fire without the firefighter extension. This will show how the fire reacts without any additional factors such as firefighters. You can then compare them to the results in the next models to find the importance of building firelines.

Link to Model 2

How to Open

To open, click the "Link to Model" link above. You will be directed to the project homepage. There will be three options for opening the model. Click the design option. This will open the model.

How to Run

To run the model, click the world agent. Then select the rectangle at the top. Drag the cursor from one corner to the other on the world. Click the arrow to the left of the agent trees. Then select burning and choose the dersired location on the left side of the world to place the first burning tree. The model is now set. Click the green arrow at the top that is next to the save button. This will start the model. Hit the red square at the top to stop the model. To run the model again click the refresh button and repeat.

How to Change Parameters

After opening the model up, click the gear drop down menu in the top right corner. Then click “Show Simulation Properties”. To change the properties, change the number value next to the property and click save.


In this screenshot,you can see the image is set up with the firefighters aligned in a row. There is also one burning tree which is causing the forest fire. If we run this model, one of two major results will appear.

This screenshot shows one of the two major outcomes. In this photo, the firefighters successfully cut down trees to create a clear line of separation between the burning trees and the healthy trees which prevented the fire from spreading to the healthy section.

The second major outcome is shown in this screenshot. This time we increased the percent chance that the fire will spread(Spread_pct_chance) to 70. We also reduced the firefighter effectiveness of chopping down a tree(Chop_pct_chance) to 25. The firefighters did not create a clear fireline the prevent the fire from spreading to the healthy section. The result of this is the burning of the majority of the forest.

As for the comparison between model one and two, you can see how building a fireline can be very effective in preventing the spread of fire to larger portions of the forest. Although this is not always successful as seen above, it is a much better alternative to just leaving a fire to burn and spread. Therefore, constructing firelines is an efficient and effective way to deal with forest fires.