This model illustrates the spread of a disease through a population, as susceptible people become infected, then infected people recover.
Columns/Lines on the Graph
Slider Bars
Change the values of the sliders and observe the effect it has on the graph.
As the Infection Rate is increased, the three lines on the graph should be “squashed” towards the left, as the disease is spreading faster. If it is decreased, the graph will be horizontally “stretched” as the disease takes longer to spread.
As the Cure Rate is increased, the Recovered line has a steeper slope and Infected has a smaller peak, as people become recovered faster. As it is decreased, the Recovered line has a shallower slope, and the peak number of Infected people approaches the number of Susceptible people.
As DT is increased, the graph should keep its basic shape, but the markers on the graph will be spaced further apart. As it is decreased, the markers will be closer together, resulting in a smoother graph.