Standard 4-3: The student will demonstrate through the mathematical processes an understanding of numeric and nonnumeric patterns, the representation of simple mathematical relationships, and the application of procedures to find the value of an unknown.
Activity: Decode encrypted messages to determine the form for an affine cipher, and practice your reasoning and arithmetic skills. Input your guesses for the multiplier and constant. Caesar Cipher III is one of the Interactivate assessment explorers.
Activity: Recognize patterns in a series of shapes, numbers, or letters. After determining the pattern, the student fills in the missing pieces. Three levels of difficulty are available.
Activity: Step through the generation of Sierpinski's Carpet -- a fractal made from subdividing a square into nine smaller squares and cutting the middle one out. Explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.
Activity: Similar to other "flyers", Slope Slider uses slider bars to explore the effect of the multiplier and constant on a linear function of the form f(x)=mx+b. Explore the relationship between slope and intercept in the Cartesian coordinate system.