Shodor Scholars, Session B, Summer 2006

Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshop Archive > Shodor Scholars, Session B, Summer 2006

Day 4
The class started off with Simon giving a brief programming introduction to the class using the programming language Python. Simon then taught the class about loops and in order for them to practice this concept he tasked the students with making a program that would take the factorial of a number. This concept was then extended to include the idea of writing functions that allows one to easily use the functionality of the factorial code anywhere in the program after writing it once.
After lunch Simon went over some of the basic ideas of parallel computing with the class and showed them an example program relating to this. The students then went back and edited their original factorial programs and made them more efficient by incorporating parallel processing into their programs.
Towards the end of the class, those that finished their parallel factorial program began work on a program to test for prime numbers within a given list of numbers. The other students continued to work on their parallel factorial programs.

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