Engineers in Training, Summer 2006

Shodor > SUCCEED > Workshop Archive > Engineers in Training, Summer 2006

Day 3
The day started with the conclusion of yesterday's engineering activity. Each group had 10 minutes to finish building their straw-and-cup structures; the goal was to make the strongest one possible. A structure's quality was measured by how much weight it could hold - individual weights were dropped one by one into the cups until the supporting straws gave out.
The engineering activities continued with a lesson in robotics from Ron. He talked about his real-world experiences at IBM and how much of an impact robots have on everyday life. It wasn't all talk, though - before long, the kids were starting to build robots of their own. "Teamwork" was emphasized as each of the four groups worked to construct a Lego automaton. Eventually, they'll have to program it to navigate through a maze, putting their engineering and logic skills to the test.

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