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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the TIP Tapper program during the fifth day of the second week. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.

More project work...we did some sitting around 
waiting today, but not much.  We changed our 
project from the emotional effects of music to 
the physics of sound...we don't have a concrete 
question yet, but it will have something to do 
with the physics of sound, possibly modeling a 
sound wave based on stuff like the frequency, 
pitch, ect...

Jason and Ryan


     Today was slightly more disappointing 
than yesterday because we didn't get as much 
done as we would have liked.  We now know what 
a lot of the words mean now, like the 3-21G and 
3-21G(*).  We made a model of part of NADH this 
morning, only to find out in the afternoon, 
when we tried to start piecing things together, 
that we hadn't modeled the right part.  That 
was the main frustration of today, because 
after that, we didn't really get any of the 
SPARTAN model put together the way we wanted.  
Dr. Rice also contacted us today, and that 
makes us more optimistic about what we're 
doing.  Natalie and Matt went to the library 
this afternoon after a morning of little 
progress on the internet, although they found 
that one of the main things we were looking for 
hasn't ever been completely determined anyway.  
We tried to do a lot of research on the 
internet, but yesterday was more successful.  
We have just about run dry all the resources we 
can find on the net.

Madhu and Renee

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