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July 20, 1999

Tuesday class begins with an overview of several of the possible modeling tools that are avialable to use, such as STELLA®. "Everyone stand up whose first name starts with a 'n', no everyone whose last name starts with a 'n', no first...," Robert Panoff, Bob1, tells the TIP students. He explains that this is an example of an oscillating system. Next, by visiting the Interactivate site they view the rabbits and wolves site. "What would happen if we change this variable," Bob1 inquiries. Bob1 then explans "if...then...else" statements he gives them an interactivate demonstration. The only thing better than watching someone make the changes in the variables are making them yourself. The TIP students are then given the pleasure of chaning the variables themselves so that there is a stable ecosystem.

They are then intorduced to the game of life where they are allowed to change the rules of the games. "Multiplication is a very powerful tool," Bob1 explains. He gives the TIP students an example of the power of multiplication in a practial methods. Using a program called Galaxsee, the TIP students view a simulated galaxy which they are able to change the variables and caculate the results. After a lunch the TIP students get an overview of randomization. The TIP students test thier knowledge of randomness by using a program called SimSurface. Another example of randomness and oscillation that the students are exposed to are those of PixelWorld. After a few minuites of trying it on thier own, they use their newfound knowledge to show the rest of the class fascinating patterns.

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