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Pictures from Week 1

Jalena works hard. (51 K)

A chess match during break. (50 K)

Jalena watches as Dave explains Galaxsee. (47 K)

Jabeen shows Jalena how to configure her model of the galaxy. (33 K)

Dr. Joiner shows David what to do. (48 K)

Lenual works on his model as Sophie and Cornelia help students. (47 K)

Robbie, David and Jalena listen closely to what Dr. Joiner has to say. (53 K)

Alex works on his model as Dr. Joiner comments on Lenual's work. (53 K)

Lenual prepares to run his model of the galaxy. (40 K)

Dr. Joiner explains velocity. (50 K)

Students do an experiment with a bouncing ball. (35 K)

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