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August 4, 2000

Class today began with Kirstin introducing herself and then talking about the make-up of atoms. Kirstin went on to explain that today the class would be using MacSpartan to model water. Kirstin then taught the students how to use MacSpartan to build the molecule. She used many metaphors to help the students to understand how the molecules work in the real world. After the students had the model built, Kirstin allowed the students to test the different types of looks that they could get for the model. While the students were doing this they learned to change the size of the molecule, and they learned how to turn it around. Kirtin took the students to many windows in the program that the students could use to help them with their model and explained to them what each of the variables stand for.

After break the students took a few group pictures. Then Christina had them do an activity called the human knot. This was an activity in which the students would close their eyes and grab the hand of someone across the circle. When they opened their eyes, the students had to untangle themselves without letting go of anyone's hand. Then the students came inside and Garret taught them about electrons. Garett used a program that would allow him and the students to see the relationship between a group of electrons that are in a room with charges together. This program also allows them to change the amount of energy in the walls of the room.

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