Candid Student Reports
The following (emails) were written by members of the Modeling Your World during the first session of the program. Some elements may have
removed for various reasons, but the textthat remains is in the student's
own words.
Today we did stuff with the earth orbiting
the sun we also did a game where you have
to figure out what name is on your back
I had fun.
Today, we worked on looking at the galaxy
and how gravity related to the movements
of the planets, specifically Earth & Sun.
We also used a rope to symbolize that in
the middle of the rope there was the sun
and on the outside was the earth and as
it moved it showed how the earth orbited
around the sun. It was fun and very
I thought that the galaxy activity
was a really neat activity.
I learned how to model a galaxy.
It was interesting, but sort of confusing.
I thought it was fun. It was harder than
stuff you do at school.
Today was the first day of this camp for
me. I think it was fun, but it was
also challenging. We determined astronomical
units to make the "Earth" rotate around the
"Sun" at an appropriate rate. It was
confusing but I caught on. Overall I had
a good day.
I learned how the earth rotated around
the sun. I played a game with a rope
and making sure the middle of the rope
did not move. The middle of the rope
was suppose to be the sun. We had
outside people to run and then our
teacher told us what would have really
happend if it had of worked better.
The camp was really good today. I
especially enjoyed playing around with
GalaxSee, and actually programming in
the earth's statistics so that it worked.
Also during the day,I learned the
differences between the sciences that
we will be working with, and we had a
hands-on satellite orbiting activity.
I would have liked to play around with
GalaxSee some more.
It was fantastic Modeling on GalaxSee.
I Know I`ll have a great time tomorrow.
I think today was great. It was as fun
as going to the coolest amusement park
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