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July 7, 1999

The third day of Medical and Biosciences began with an activity led by Erin that dealt with data analyses. The students learned how scientists deal with the data they find, with meathods such as linear regression. Next, Bob2 led a lesson in MacSpartan, a program that can build chemical molecules and model what kind of properties it would have. In the lesson Bob had the class build two different types of molecules and then went over which would be a more effective drug in fighting a specific disease. Next, Wendy led a lesson in genetics that discussed two areas of the feild. The students used STELLA to learn about the Hardy Weinberg law and explore it in population genetics and molecular genetics.

In the afternoon the students were introduced to the options they would have for their research projects. The students had to choose from a list of possible projects that they were given or choose from one that was located on the web. Once the students chose a project that interested and found a partner they got right to work for their presentations Friday.

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