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Medicine and the Biomedical Sciences, 2000
Pictures of Day 2

 Cornelia Teaching.
Cornelia took a little time to go one on one with Mauricio.

 Having fun.
Amber spends time time getting her work done while she has fun.

 Help me.
Christina helps a student successfully complete his work.

 I didn't know this!
Micheal spends time examinig te work that the computer is doing and is amazed!

 I got it!
Zach realizes that he has acomplished a goal and is very happy.

 Look at the facts.
Mauricio spends time like most scientists, reasearching.

 That looks great.
Cornelia watches Michael run his model she is pleased that he is doing so well.

 Two work better than one.
Mauricio and Michael work together to find a way to successfully model the absorbancy rate of asprin.

 Oh, I see!
Derri gains knowledge from Cornelia.

Christina gets down to understand derricks question.

 Teaching one-on-one.
Christina takes time to make sure each student understands the task before them.

 Teaching students.

Amber recieves an unexpected response from the computer.

 Huh. That's cool.
Derrick really likes the way the computer is allowing him to make models without having to generate the formula himself.

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