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Candid Student Reports

The following reports were written by members of Internet Science Explorations during the third day of the program. Some elements may have been removed/edited for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


I love it


i leared how to use the logo which is the turtle figure.this assingment was nice.


Today was okay we learn how to be very specific about how to program a computer and how good its going be.


today we learn how to program a computer. then we had a command program when youy told the compuetr what to do in partners.we made a cool star


Today was fun making a sort of program to teach one of the counseolers how to make celklery with pb and raisans. We got it rihgt on the 3rd try its harder than you think It was also cool making different shapes witht the turtle by telling it what to do.


Today, before break we learned how to use simple instructions. We wrote instructions on the board for Robbie, and followed them as if he were a computer.After about the fifth trie, we were able to tell him how to make ants on a log. After break we used XLogo to make figures. We used simple commands to tell the turttle what to do.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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