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June 24, 2005

Simon began by informing the kids that after they finished the contest from the previous day, they would be making their own webpages. Though no one was able to win the contest, they had a lot of fun trying. Next, Simon asked everyone what kind of webpages they liked, and what they thought a good webpage should have. Students responded with a variety of answers. Some of them preferred webpages with exciting backgrounds, others like sites with animated Flash movies. This discussion provided them with ideas to incorporate once they began making their own pages.

To get the process started, Simon introduced them to HTML, Hyper Text Markup Language, the language used to write webpages. After explaining some of the basic principals, the students began building their sites.

After snack, Simon explained more advanced concepts, like putting images on a page and creating links. The class learned how to align and format text, and how to use an image as a background. After each team had finished, their webpages were uploaded to the server. Then, Simon displayed the websites on the projector. Once everyone's website had been displayed, the class went downstairs for a group photo .

A few of the students' websites have been archived below:

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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