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February 18, 1999

The second day of the Forensic science class begins more eventful than even the first. The explorers begin with a memory activity. First, two of the students are sent out of the room while the other students look at a picture on the projector. The students in the room have less than thirty seconds to remember all of the details in the picture. Next, the two students are invited back into the room and must use investigative skills to determine what the image looked like. So, they take each student into a separate room and interview them, trying to decipher as much about the image as they can. Finally, they report their findings and compare how close they are to the actual picture. The scientist enjoyed this activity so much that they did it again with another picture.

Robert Gotwals, Bob2, is then reintroduced to the scientist and show them an interesting activity "The Dead Body" model. Bob explains to the scientists about the nature of the dead body research and why it is important to the police. After they are acquainted with the data, the scientist make a model of decomposition of the bodies. "This is gross," says one of the scientists as they review the information.

The scientists, after the dead body model, are surprised with the next activity. They get the opportunity to have a mystery puzzle of their own. Someone has taken the cookies that Bob2 had left for them, and it is the scientists job to find out "who stole the cookies from the cookie jar."
Follow the cookie mystery as the scientist put the pieces together.

To conclude this busy day the scientist learn about the Romanov family. Using bone length data, DNA tests, and mathematical calculations the scientists learn how to construct a spreadsheet to compare their data with that of the official data. They are asked to solve whether or not Anastasia was buried in her family's mass grave. This is a intense process, but it is not something that the scientists couldn't conquer. After they finish with their data comparison they found out that it was possible for her to be in the grave.

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