The Case of the Missing Cookie

The scientists at the forensic science class are given one of their biggest challenges. They are to use the newfound knowledge to solve a real life mystery. The scenerio is set and the villians are in place. The scenerio goes as follows:

Bob2, being a generous and caring person, leaves a batch of chocolate chip cookies that his wife had made. Unfortunately, he is unable to personally deliver the cookies to the "forensic scientists" because he has depressing matters he must attend to. So, he leaves his cookies in the hands of one of his trusted co-workers. Bob2 then tells the lovely instructor Wendy that there are cookies on the table that the scientist can enjoy once they have finished their studies.

After completing their studies, the hungry scientist rush to the eating area to enjoy a freshly baked cookie. But alas, the cookies are not there. So vile person stole the cookies and hid them from the scienctists. "Where can the cookies be," asked one of hungry scientists. "The horrible person must be somewhere and it is our job to find them," says Wendy. So, the scientist go off to work trying to cature the villian and bring them to justice. They decide that it must be someone who has been in the office for the entire day. So, they begin their investigation. After careful analysis of the suspect they narrowed their field down to two people, a Mr. George Frye and a Ms. Martha Washington

(names have been changed to conseal their identities).

The scientist divide into two seperate groups: the M group to investigate Martha and the G group to investigate George. The scientist come up with a standardized list of questions to ask both of the suspected people. They waited for each other to finish asking question then they compared the result to see who was the culprit. Here is a brief clip of one of the investigations in progress:

Investigator:Have you been in the eating area lately?
Martha:I have been in there a few times today.
Investigator:Did you see any cookies when you were in the eating area?
Martha:No, I didn't see any cookies.
Investigator:Do you like chocolate?
Martha:Yes, but I am on a diet.

The scientist then collected a fingerprint from Ms. Washington to compare to a fingerprint that they had found at the scene of the crime. The scientist then tell team G to go and to question Mr. Frye. Here is a small sampling of the questions that they asked Mr. Frye.

Investigator:Have you been in the kitchen today?
George:Yes, I refilled the coffee maker this morning.
Investigator:Did you see any cookies when you were in the eating area?
George:No, I don't think so.
Investigator:Do you like cookie?
George:No, not really. I try to stay away from food with lots of sugar.

So who commited the crime.

Don't know click here and find out the ending of this tragic story.