[ The Answer | The Criminal ]

The Answer

After they finished questioning Mr. Frye, they ask for his fingerprints but he refuses to cooperate and tells them to leave if they do not have futher business. So, with less evidence than the other team, the two teams put their information together to make an infomed decision. Could it be Mr. Geoge Frye they ask? "He refuses to give a fingerprint and this proves that he must be guilty," one of the scientists say. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, we must weigh and fairly judge this information," responds Wendy. So, the scientist decide to take the hi-tech approach. Removing the original fingerprint from the dish they scan the image into the computer's memory. Next, they scan the fingerprint of Ms. Martha Washington and compare the two. There are strickingly similar to one another. With this set of knowledge, the scientist go off to find Ms. Washington. Unfortuantely, she was nowhere to be found.

Later that day, Ms. Washington returns to the computer room with cookies and drinks. Happy that she brought back the items that were rightfully the scientists, the scientist decide to only "arrest" her for her crimes again cookie-manity. After a swift and unjust trial she is sentence to two years cleaning duty and dust patrol. Another happy ending for the Forensic Scientist of Shodor.






The Criminal

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