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June 17, 2005

With time running short before the trial the students scramble to piece together the remaining clues. The evidence is reexamined to find the clues that will reveal who stole the laptop and who poisoned Garrett. Finally it became clear that Catherine was the guilty party. To find out how, read through the details of the case.

Once they had determined the guilty party the class split into two teams, the defense and the prosecution. The prosecutors worked to prepare their case against Catherine, while the defense searched for evidence to get their client off the hook. With their cases prepared the Honorable Judge David Marron took his seat to oversee the proceedings. Shodor interns were called in to serve as the jury and decide the fate of their co-worker.

Both teams presented strong cases, requiring the jury to deliberate for some time. In the end the defense was able to get Catherine cleared on the charge of theft, but was convicted of murdering Garrett. With the evidence brought to light in the trial revealed that Ebonee may have stolen the laptop and Judge Marron ordered her arrest.

With a successfully enacted trial behind them, the students filled out evaluations and their daily reflections before heading outside to pose for a group picture.

Last modified: October 08 2008.
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