![]() DisseminationDissemination of the results of our research and successful projects is listed as one of the foundational principles in the Articles of Incorporation of The Shodor Education Foundation. As such, Project SUCCEED has been designed as a clear demonstration of the value of leveraged support for education. That is, we belive that a number of scientific organizations and businesses could adopt one or more of our compenents as an education outreach prgram, if shown that they could benefit education at a modest incremental cost to their on-going research and development projects. Through our professional associations, we are in touch with a number of organizations who have taken an interest in Project SUCCEED, and who have asked to be kept informed of its progress. In addition, we believe that interest in the academic community is strong, and if university-based researchers could be given solid evidence of achievement, they would likely open some of their on-going projects to pre-university student participation. We are also in discussions with the Middle School After School program, run by Durham Public Schools, to use our Internet Science Club as a model of a focused activity that one or more of the Durham schools could sponsor in their own schools at the current or soon-to-be established computer labs. The materials created by and for the ISC will also be used in our collaborations for the DoDDS schools and for partnerships in Maryland and Illinois.
[ Executive Summary | Program Plan | Facilities | Evaluation ] [ Internet Science Club | Exploration Classes | Research Apprenticeships ] [ Calendar | Student Projects | Locating Us | Info Request | Sponsors ] Last Update: August 4, 1997 Please direct questions and comments about this page to WebMaster@shodor.org © Copyright 1997 The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. |