Using the Internet to
Communicate with E-mail


This lesson allows students to explore an electronic mailing program.

They will do so by opening their pre-created accounts to receive an e-mail from the instructor.

This activity utilizes the Eudora e-mail system.


Upon completion of this activity students should be familiar with the basic functions of Eudora and be able to send and receive e-mails easily.

Student Prerequisites

Teacher Preparation

Students will need:

Lesson Outline

Go over e-mail etiquette and the proper uses of e-mail. Give each student the opportunity to log on to his e-mail account through the Terminal program (on a Mac) or Putty (on a PC).

Students will

Allow students to read mail, and send a message to another student in the class (you may want to assign this to students in order to lessen confusion)

PB&J Programming Using the Internet to
Communicate with talk
Email Etiquette Sheet
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