Daphnia Algae: A Study of Pond Dynamics


This model explores some of the relationships between algae and daphnia. The model was created in the modeling environment called STELLA.

Your teacher will show you the model and (or) give you a graph of its predictions. Use the graph to work through the analysis.

12. Find a section of the graph when the number of algae are increasing or high. Describe the number of daphnia when the algae are increasing.

13. Find a section of the graph where the number of algae are decreasing. How is the number of daphnia changing in this section?

14. What happens to the number of daphnia when the number of algae is below 250,000?

Feedback loops are important in nature. Feedback loops help to keep systems in balance. In this model the number of algae and daphnia change. They change in step with each other.

Look on the model.

15. Identify the loops where the number of algae changes the number of daphnia, which changes the number of algae.

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