The Daredevil Design Project


Please click on a word for the definition:

Computational approach | Dependent Variable | Displacement | Hypotenuse | Independent Variable | Interpolate | Nadir | Parameters | Parametric Equations | Parallax | Theoretical Physical Relationship | Variable |
Computational Approach
The use of a computer to aid the design, simulation, and testing of a physical system, as apposed to 'trial and error'.
Dependent Variable
Any variable with may depend on any other variable(s) for its value.
A change in time or location from the starting point.
The long side of a right triangle, whose size can be determined using the Pythagorean Theorem: C2 = A2 + B2 , where A and B are the short sides, connected at the 90° angle and C is the hypotenuse.
Independent Variable
Any variable which does not depend on any other for its value.
To determine a new point between other, measured points.
The bottom-most point in a curve.
The apparent displacement, or difference of position, of an object, as seen from two different stations, or points of view; the apparent displacement in position undergone by an object when viewed by either eye singly, without moving the head.
The values sent to a mathematical function, such as the Pythagorean Theorem (A, B, & C
Parametric Equations
Definition goes here
Theoretical Physical Relationship
Definition goes here
Quality, or value, in an experiment is either given or found through discovery. That quality can change, and will either be set as a(n) independent or dependent
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