
JAWS works better with this activity tool because of it’s ability to read
the coordinates of each checkbox. Narrator and Voice-over are not able to
fully interact with the tool, so they are not recommended for this activity.


This applet is a grid of 20 by 20. If you navigate to the bottom of the
page, you will see buttons that can flip the beam on the grid,
reset the grid, and Hide Data. Below the buttons, there is a heading labeled
“Information.” Here, you can find the output of Area,
Moment of Inertia, Center, Y-bar top, Y-bar bottom and Section Modulus.
You can also click on the “Info” link at the top of the page to jump to the
Information heading.


Arrows, tab, or alt + shift + one of the arrows can
be used to navigate throughout the grid. First letter navigation can be used to go
between headings, links, and checkboxes. To select one of the checkboxes,
press enter or the space bar.


When using NVDA, you will only hear the checkboxes with a blank line
between each row, you will not hear the coordinates of the checkboxes.


When using JAWS, it will report the coordinates of the checkbox. When starting from the top of the page, the upper left corner of the grid is read as (1, 20) and the bottom right corner of the grid is read as (20, 1).

EIE Main Page