The following resources have been evaluated using the SSEP Internet Links Criteria. Please use these criteria to recommend other internet resources for this site to the site administrator.
- Web Elements
- This site is like a table of the elements on steroids! You'll find everything you need to know about all of the elements on this page. The information is indexed well and there are great chemistry cartoons.
- Chem4kids
- This highly interactive and colorfully illustrated site is geared toward the younger generation of chemists.
- Chemical Symbols Activity Page
- This site is a page with several Java games to familiarize the user with the elements.
- Chemistry Tutor
- This site is a useful resource for students who are actually in a chemistry class and need help with their assignments. It has lots of information and is well organized.
- General Chemistry Online
- This is a great, user-friendly resource that includes many features such as FAQ, an 'ask' function, and a chemistry exam guide.
- The irYdium Project at Carnegie Mellon University
- This site contains a useful collection of applets designed to help chemistry students understand basic and complex concepts.
- Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab
- This site, geared towards kids of elementary to middle school age, it contains many fun and engaging experiments that can be done at home. Most of the experiments deal with chemistry and physics concepts.
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