SSEP Home: Criteria Listing

Evaluation Criteria

A systematic method for evaluating science resources on the internet.

The science resources and activities that are listed on this site have been evaluated by students in SSEP programs. The sites were chosen according to the criteria below.

The criteria below may be used as a guideline to determine the usefulness of a resource. We invite students, educators, parents and friends to send us their recommendations for useful internet science and education resources. Please forward your web site critiques to the site administrator.

Directions for evaluation

Rate each item below from 1 - 5

Content Criteria

The information on the web site is true and accurate.
The source of the information on the web site is knowledgeable about that particular scientific field. Who is the author, where did they get their information? Is the information opinion or fact? How does the information compare with what you've learned from books and school?
The information presented is unique within the context of the total collection of web resources listed on our website.
The information presented covers the topic in some depth and does not omit crucial information.
To what extent does the website involve the user? Is the site interactive or innovative in its presentation of material?

Form Criteria

The web site is easily navigated (is there a site map, navigation buttons, good structure?) The site does not waste your time trying to find information.
The information is clearly presented and well organized. Also, is it concise enough to be printed out?
User Support
Access is provided to webmaster or other information sources (is there an FAQ - frequently asked questions - section?)

Directions for writing critique

Write 1-3 sentences that summarize the usefulness of the web site. The critique should be easy and quick to read and should emphasize what is good about the site. If there is nothing good about the site, don't recommend it!!

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