The following module will discuss methods of solution
for the expected position of an electron in a single-electron hydrogen atom.
In doing this, there will be some assumptions about the quantum world
that may be hard to accept.
The first of these assumptions is that traditional understanding of
the interaction and motion of particles of matter as opposed to waves
are not sufficient to describe the quantum world. Through the diffraction
and interference of light we see that light has properties of a wave.
Its energy and momentum can be characterized by the frequency of that
wave, and its intensity can be characterized by the amplitude of that
wave. However, when we try to measure the absorption of light in very
small quantities, such as is shown by the photoelectric effect, we see
that light is always absorbed in discrete packets of energy. Light, it
seems, has both a particle-like and wave like nature. It appears in many
instances to exist as a particle but to interact like a wave.
In addition, it has been seen that at appropriate energies, we can see
the same thing with what we might term regular matter. The traditional
evidence of this is electron diffraction, where the paths of electrons
when scattered at high energies show interference patterns, as would a
wave. Quantum particles, like light, show properties of both a particle
and a wave, existing as a particle but interacting like a wave.
The second of these assumptions is that at the quantum level, we
really cannot speak of what anything is until we make a measurement.
In the macroscopic world, the interaction of light moving from a source
to an object we are trying to observe, being absorbed or scattered,
and if scattered proceeding on to our eyes for measurement does not
significantly affect the bulk motion of say, a baseball, your car, or
your computer screen. But if what you want to see is an atom, or an
electron, or a proton, then the effect of a single photon or electron
being used to try and probe for the particle will disturb the particle.
Since all we can do then is to make a measurement by stopping or
interfering with a quantum particle, until we make that measurement
we can only speak of probabilities. This led to a schism in the physics
world in the early-mid 1900's. Physicists were torn between two
possibilities: (a) the quantum world essentially makes sense, but we
have no ways of determining the underlying laws because we cannot
measure the initial conditions without disturbing the system, or (b)
nature exists simultaneously in a combination of infinite possibilities
determined by a complex (i.e. containing real and imaginary components)
wave function, and is only forced into one of those possibilities by the
act of measurement. Faced with no experiment which could determine a
difference between the two, and with greater progress at defining laws
which seemed to govern a wave function which could describe on a
statistical scale the quantum world, the latter choice, also known as
the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, eventually gained
the most favor.