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Mol4D: A Web-Based Computational Chemistry Interface for Educational Purposes

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TitleMol4D: A Web-Based Computational Chemistry Interface for Educational Purposes
CreatorNone listed
ContributorNone listed
PublisherNone listed
DescriptionThis site contains tutorials on a large number of subjects from the organic chemistry curriculum, and also includes a molecule editor to build your own molecules and make your own animations of reactions.
SubjectEducation, Computational Science, Chemistry
Keywordmodels, structure drawing, semi-empirical computation, molecular modeling software, chemical structure drawing, chemical drawing, semiempirical, computational chemistry, free, tutorials, organic chemistry, conformational searching, Chime, VRML, web based, reaction mechanism, reaction, organic reaction mechanisms, chemical reaction
AudienceEducator, Learner/Student
Education LevelHigher Education
TypeInstructional Material

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