Results: 1-10 of 88 |
Basics of OpenMP, and instructions how to compile and run. Description of functions, parallel directives and regions, locks, and schedules.
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An interactive collection of over 60 unique molecules with interactive display of all symmetry elements and animation of all operations. In addition, an interactive point group symmetry tutorial using the Jmol Java and Chime is available.
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Introduction to Storage Resource Broker (SRB) architecture and configurations. Introduction to HDF5 library, object model, and data subsetting. Description and motivation of the collaboration project. Details of the HDF5-SRB model and architecture. (Note: users may also be interested in iRODS).
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Reference book on numerical algorithms, including linear systems, interpolation, extrapolation, sorting, root finding, nonlinear equations, optimization, eigensystems, fourier transforms, and differential equations.
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introduction, background, and basic information; MPI routines including MPI Environment Management, Point-to-Point Communications, and Collective Communications routines
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The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is an international non-profit organization that concerns itself with not only the advancement of science education but also the overall communication of the values of science and the formulation of science policies around the world. Most notably, AAAS publishes the journal Science, as well as other scientific newsletters, books, and reports.
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The American Society for Microbiology is a membership organization whose goal is to pursue scientific knowledge and disseminate results of microbiological research. These goals may be achieved through supporting educational programs or issuing publications such as the Journal of Clinical Microbiology.
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The Ecological Society of America is a nonprofit organization founded to promote communication both among ecologists and about ecological issues in the public and to policy-makers. The ESA accomplishes this through meetings, conferences, and various publications.
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The goal of the International Society for Computational Biology is to understand living systems through computation and share those understandings with the world. They disseminate this information through scholarly publications, yearly meetings, and conferences that serve as an outlet for information about training, education, and employment associated with computational biology.
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Results: 1-10 of 88 |